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Chapter 5 - I Became a Swordsmanship Instructor in a Romance Novel

The hero who saved a dark world, possessed an instructor in romance fantasy. Novel, Academy, SIRN, Fantasy, Possession.

The Hero of Dark Fantasy Possessed a Romance Fantasy (4)

The next day arrived, but Zeke's cold attitude didn't change.

Well, it changed very, very subtly.

‘Ah, this is… kinda… kinda cute?’

On the way to Ramielli, Selena was immersed in the joy of discovering his small acts of consideration.

Observing him was so interesting that it made even the bumpy carriage ride bearable.

For example, while she was briefly looking away during meal times, the amount of food would increase.

And when she stepped out of the carriage for a moment to take care of her business, a blanket would be placed on her seat.

When she woke up, the bandage wrapped around her arm was a bit neater.

‘He must be really not used to dealing with people. With such a stoic face too.’

The thought of him busying himself here and there without her knowledge made her chuckle.

“What’s so funny?”

“Ahaha, it’s nothing.”

Zeke frowned and glanced out the window.

“We’ll be arriving soon.”

“Ah, is that so?”


Selena looked at Zeke.

Still the same aloof atmosphere and stiff face.

But he wasn't as difficult or scary as the first time.

‘Am I getting used to it now? Maybe now I can… hmm, is there no way?’

Selena still wanted to somehow keep Zeke at her mansion.



Zeke turned his head away from the window, where he had been staring blankly.

“You refused before because you said it wasn’t necessary but… I’d like to ask you again.”

Selena began, her lips forming the first syllable.

Zeke's eyes widened slightly.

“I still don't want to just give you money and send you away, Instructor.”


“Yohaiden is a family that doesn't forget kindness. My heart won't allow it.”


In truth, Zeke didn’t dislike Selena that much anymore.

He could feel the warmth of this innocent girl slowly seeping through the cracks of his guarded heart.

He was just a little wary of this pure soul being tainted by him.

“But I know you’d refuse if I just offered you money or asked you to stay at the mansion.”

‘Ah, well, that’s not entirely true now. I was going to take the money if she offered…’

Zeke felt awkward.

“So I promise. If you don't like the treatment at the mansion, you can leave anytime.”

Um, w-well…

“I won’t stop you no matter when you decide to leave, Instructor.”

Hey, stray puppy. Don’t be so nice, someone might take advantage of you.

“And I’ll give you one of the best rooms in the mansion, and I’ll give you proper compensation. Of course, you’ll have the highest quality meals.”

Her sincere eyes shook Zeke’s heart.

The warm hand of kindness that no one had offered him when he so desperately craved it.

Now, after he had given up…

It’s too late… isn’t it? …Right?…Right?

“I swear on my family name that I won’t force any requests on you, as long as you stay as long as you want.”

‘Hmm. W-Well, if you put it that way…’

He thought it was too late, but a glimmer of hope peeked its head out again.

“Should we write a contract?”

Selena was now even willing to sign a contract.

It seemed this young lady from a prestigious family was laying out all her cards.

‘Ha. Really. What can I say… To go this far. Honestly. No, I must be something special, right?…Right…?’

Zeke felt a ticklish sensation.

In reality, he didn’t have any particular plans after arriving here.

He could survive just fine by roughly picking and eating grass in the mountains.

If anything, he was thinking of going to Ramielli Academy and finding a way to get food and lodging.

But, of course, a life of sweet honey in a comfortable bed was undoubtedly better than that kind of dark fantasy life.

‘Hmm. Okay! Then I’ll just stay for a bit!! Just a little bit! Thank you for the Selena starter pack!!!!’

It was a picture-perfect change of heart.

However, unlike his true feelings, Zeke simply nodded.

“Huh! R-Really!? That’s great!! I was so worried about what I would do if I just sent you on your way like this!!!”

Sigh. Selena let out a sigh of relief and smiled brightly.

“I’ll introduce you to the people when we get to the mansion! I’m sure everyone will like you!”

“I wouldn’t know.”

The only one Zeke could trust in this world was Selena Yohaiden, whose soul he had confirmed.

* * *

Finally, he could feel Ramielli, the heart of the Empire, drawing closer.

The carriage, which had been bouncing like a trampoline, gradually calmed down on the neatly paved road.

The sounds of horses neighing and Selena Yohaiden's voice, which had been the only sounds for a while, were now mixed with the noises of people.


‘Don't add random features to our starter pack.’

Zeke felt uncomfortable and displeased with his own body.

The translated language of this world came out automatically.

He thought his body was well-trained and his appearance was similar to that of Earth, so the hardware was fine, but there was a fatal flaw.

It was the forced control.

His body would occasionally jerk and stop like a rusty, old machine.

Actions he could do and couldn’t do,

Words he could say and couldn’t say.

He still didn’t know the criteria, but it was extremely picky.

‘Ugh, it’s so damn hard even to eat.’

Just now, he wanted to at least properly thank Selena, but all that came out of his mouth were cold and indifferent words.

And the way he spoke was like something out of a historical drama.

‘But it worked fine when she was bandaging me. I was able to properly thank her then. What the hell is the criteria?’

In fact, the emotional turmoil Zeke was experiencing was quite significant.

‘What? A cute little stray puppy? Who does that fool think he is, thinking such nonsense? Bring him to me!’

He had never experienced such pure kindness in the dark fantasy world, so he thought maybe a world like this in a romance fantasy could have people like this.

Ironically, he was as distrustful of people as he was weak to selfless kindness.


The voice of a young girl suddenly came to mind, but Zeke shook his head.


“Is this it?”

“Yes, Instructor. It’s a little humble, but I’ll make sure you’re comfortable.”


Zeke’s eyes widened in shock at the mansion Selena had led him to.

A giant gate.

Silver bars were embedded in the white walls that surrounded the garden like guards, and the antique mansion that rose slightly above them was dressed in a variety of flowers.

Zeke had never seen a house this big except for the Demon King’s castle.

He had expected something grand, given that she was the daughter of a wealthy family, but the reality easily surpassed his expectations.


‘Y-Your Highness?’


He shook the bell on the gate and waited a moment before the gate opened.

A neatly dressed man came out.

He seemed to be the butler of the mansion.

He came out with a worried expression but then his eyes widened when he saw Selena’s face.

He quickly ran out and grabbed both of Selena’s hands.

“Lady Selena!”


“H-How… I heard you were kidnapped by bandits! A-Are you alright?!”

The butler frantically examined Selena, who was wrapped in cloth.

He then glanced at Zeke, but judging by Selena’s calm demeanor, he didn’t seem to be a bandit.

“Yes, I’m fine… But why bandits?”

“Yes, they…”

Zeke, who had been watching this with his arms crossed, smirked.

‘Aha. Those bastards who abandoned Selena and ran away must have falsely reported that they were kidnapped by bandits.’

Selena, who seemed to have come to the same conclusion, hardened her expression.

“Alfred, where are they?”

“Those men… They arrived yesterday and I’ve locked them up in the prison.”

“Bring them to the courtyard.”

“Y-Yes, I understand. But first… I’ll have the doctor check on you…”

“No, dealing with them comes first. Call the knights as well.”

Seeing Selena’s hardened expression, the butler sensed something was wrong.

He nodded.

The courtyard, which they entered after opening the gate, was so spacious that it could have been a training ground.

Clack, clack.

As Selena walked in, the servants and maids, summoned by the butler, rushed out and lined up on both sides, bowing their heads.

And in front of them was placed a large chair decorated with gold and jewels.

Selena naturally sat on the chair, crossing her legs.

From above, it was a natural posture for a human.

Unlike her timid appearance in the carriage, she exuded the dignity of a ruler of the continent.

‘Whoa, is that the same awkward Selena?’

Feeling awkward for no reason, Zeke wondered if he should line up with the servants.

“Sir Zeke, over here.”


Selena designated Zeke’s position.

Zeke, with a stiff face, stood right next to her.

Soon, the men and women tied up with ropes were dragged out by the knights.

“L-Lady Selena!!!”

“We’re sorry!! We’ve committed a grave sin!!”

“We didn’t mean to!!”

“We came here to ask for help!!!”

They shouted with dirty faces.

Selena's head was hot with anger.

She looked at each of their faces one by one.

Then, the people who were screaming in fear gradually closed their mouths.

Finally, Selena opened her mouth. Her voice trembled with betrayal.

"Not only did you abandon me and run away when I was unconscious, but you even made a false report."


"Why did you do it? Why didn't you just come here? Why go all the way and... lie that you were kidnapped by bandits!?"

It was the first time anyone in the mansion had seen Selena's anger.

Selena choked up. Tears welled up in her eyes.

If Zeke hadn't been there,

Deceived by their lies, the knights would have been busy searching for bandits,

and they might not have found her until the very end.

"Why did you do that! Why! Did I do something wrong?"

At that, a maid with tear-stained eyes opened her mouth.

"No!!! It's not fair! Lady Selena! You have to believe me!"


Siera was her personal maid who had served her the longest.

Sometimes like an older sister, sometimes like a friend.

Of course, she wasn't without her self-serving side,

but to Selena, that was a line she could allow.

Selena felt the greatest betrayal by Siera.

"Siera, I trusted you, if not anyone else. How could you do this to me!"

"N-No! I didn't run away! He! He forced me to run away with him! How could I ever leave Lady Selena behind!"

Siera glared at a large, bald man among those tied up with venomous eyes.

"He's the one who said we were kidnapped by bandits!"

Then the man also began to shout.

"Don't be ridiculous! Siera! When did I ever do that! You told me to say that! You were the one who said we should run away!"

"Lady Selena, please believe me! Really! I even told the butler in advance to meet me today because I had something to tell him! To confess everything!"

At those words, Selena looked at the butler, who was bowing his head beside her.

"Alfred, is what she's saying... true?"

"Yes... She told me separately that she had something to tell me."

"Is that so...? Siera... I..."

Selena wanted to believe Siera until the very end.

Because she didn't want to admit that all the time they had built together was in vain.

If she was forcibly dragged away by that man

and was trying to confess it all...


At that moment, Zeke, who had been quietly observing the situation, stepped forward.

"Wait a minute."

All eyes in the courtyard, filled with curiosity, turned towards him.

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