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Chapter 47 - Another World Adventurer's Forum

I became an adventurer in other world, still gotta browse through the forum. AWAF,Korean Novel,Translation,Fantasy,Begger,Forum,Master

To Koruntum

I woke up to find that morning had arrived.

Time really does fly.

It felt like just a moment ago it was still night.

Thinking about how quickly time seemed to pass, I gathered the subspace pouch I kept at home and headed towards the public bathhouse nearby.

It felt like a good idea to have a wash before heading to Koruntum.

You could say it was like cleansing myself before going to war.

With that thought in mind, I arrived at the public bathhouse, paid the fee, took off my clothes, and stepped into the bath.

And then I opened up the forum.

I needed to gather as much information as possible since I was going to Koruntum today.

Of course, Esily said she'd give me information about Koruntum, but it wouldn't hurt to do some research beforehand.

‘…As much as it's a pain.’

As much as I hated this kind of thing by nature, I would rather do this than have something more troublesome happen in Koruntum because I didn't do my research.

I guess researching was the lesser of two evils.

Thinking that, I typed [Koruntum] into the forum's search bar and hit enter.

I could've written a post asking for information, but even someone as kind as Old Man Ferus would probably find that annoying.

It wasn’t like I would get any decent information that way either.

So, searching the forum and getting a grasp of Koruntum with the existing information seemed like the best course of action.

“Ah… This feels nice.”

Soaking in the hot water felt incredibly refreshing.

They don't have public bathhouses like this in Koruntum.

They only exist in Lukphelton and Baruk.

That was why I tried to avoid going to other regions as much as possible.

Lost in these thoughts, I continued to browse the forum while soaking in the bath.


Filtering out all the unnecessary stuff, I narrowed it down to a few essential posts.

I didn't have time to go through every single post.

[Anything interesting going on in Koruntum these days? Looking for something to do.][15]

[Don't know about anything else, but Koruntum is a gold mine for adventurers right now lol][8]

[Monster by-product prices are plummeting lol][19]

[You're kidding, right? LOL][4]

These four posts seemed to have everything I needed.

From what I remembered, I only chose posts from users who didn't lie often on the forum and posted frequently.

Just in case any of it was false.

There was nothing worse than getting tricked by wrong information.

With that in mind, I checked the first post.

[Author: ReallyDirtPoorFollower]

[Title: Anything interesting going on in Koruntum these days? Looking for something to do.]

[Content: I'm a shitty adventurer, anything good going on?]

L:Dude, your username LOL

\\tㄴ:Seriously, what's with the username? You're crazy aggro LOL

L:Change your username, man… How dare you compare yourself to someone who was actually dirt poor?

L:If you want to be the follower of the guy who used to eat rotten food and write reviews about it on the forum, you better start doing the same. Then I'll let you keep the username.

L:Of all people, why would you choose to follow that guy? LOL

L:If you're a shitty adventurer, just go sell your body in Koruntum.

\\tㄴ: ReallyDirtPoorFollower: What the hell are you talking about?;

\\tㄴ: No, he's right.

\\tㄴ:If you're a shitty adventurer, you're no different from a slightly strong ordinary person. Why would anyone hire you?

\\tㄴ:Damn LOL

\\tㄴ:Welcome to reality wwwww

\\tㄴ:He's got a point though.

L: If you're a shitty adventurer, will you suck my dick? For the record, I like dwarves!

\\tㄴ:This is truly Dwarf Preference.

\\tㄴ:As expected, gay love is all about Dwarf Preference LOL

‘…What the…’

There were some strange people on the forum.

To think that someone out there considered themselves my follower.

It was baffling.

I was about to leave a comment but stopped myself.

I had a feeling they wouldn't appreciate it with a username like that.

Anyway, to think that someone still remembered the time I posted reviews of rotten food on the forum…

It was a little touching.

Back then, when I was really hungry, I stole food from a rat and ate it, then wrote a review about it on the forum.

It was quite a memory.

Shaking my head at the absurdity of it all, I moved on to the next post.

[Author: Cucumber]

[Title: Don't know about anything else, but Koruntum is a gold mine for adventurers right now lol]

L:For real, there are so many monsters these days, you make bank just killing them randomly lol

\\tㄴ:It's pretty awesome.

L:So how much have you made? That's the important part.

\\tㄴ:Cucumber:I think I made about 50 gold in two weeks.

\\tㄴ:Dude, you're seriously skilled.

\\tㄴ:Wait, you made 50 gold in two weeks? That's insane!

\\tㄴ:Now that's something to be envious of…

\\tㄴ:I'm heading to Koruntum right now!

Ah, right, there's something I haven't mentioned yet.

The requests I received tended to get completed incredibly fast.

Normally, a single request would take at least a week or two.

Even when I went to the Forest of Illusions to find the Illusion Flower last time, I packed enough rations for a week or two, but I found the flower so quickly that I was able to return early.

This trip to Koruntum would likely take at least a week.

So, in a way, you could say this was the longest request I'd ever taken on.

As I continued reading, I moved on to the next post.

[Author: AverageAdventurer]

[Title: Monster by-product prices are plummeting lol]

[Content: Koruntum, are you serious with these prices? LOL]

L:For real, the prices are ridiculous these days.

\\tㄴ:It's crazy.

L: Ferus: The monster population in Koruntum has exploded recently, which is why monster by-product prices have plummeted.

\\tㄴ: Ferus: However, thanks to that, armor, weapons, and potions made from monster by-products have also become cheaper, making it easier to fight.

\\tㄴ:Makes sense.

\\tㄴ:It's a virtuous cycle.

\\tㄴ:It's a good thing LOL

\\tㄴ:Fortunately, Koruntum is so isolated from other regions that we don't have to worry about the monster by-products flooding other markets.

\\tㄴ:It's pretty great.

L:Ah LOL, if this isn't self-sufficiency, I don't know what is.

\\tㄴ:Self-sufficiency for the win!

L:The by-products are pretty good though.

\\tㄴ:I'm seriously considering going to Koruntum to buy some.

\\tㄴ:If you need to buy something, now's the time to go to Koruntum.

\\tㄴ:Koruntum, here we come!

L:There's too much Koruntum marketing going on these days LOL

\\tㄴ:What else are they going to do when there's nothing else to talk about? LOL

\\tㄴ:There really isn't much to talk about these days.

L:It's not marketing, it's actually that good. You just gotta try it once.

So, monster by-product prices have gone down, huh?

That was tempting.

It would be nice to have a wand myself.

Wands were made from monster by-products, so if the price of by-products went down, the price of wands would also go down.

That meant I might actually be able to afford one.

‘They're a bit expensive though…’

But their effects were undeniable.

They amplified the power of magic and increased mana regeneration speed.

That's why all mages wanted a wand.

However, even the cheapest wand cost 400 gold.

That was about the price of a house.

So, I had to be extremely careful when choosing one.

Getting scammed would put me in a bad mood for the entire day.

Contemplating the prospect of wand ownership, I moved on to the final post.

[Author: StarvingArtist]

[Title: You're kidding, right? LOL]

[Content: (Photo) Never seen someone eat rotten food before LOL]

L: Do you have a death wish, badmouthing our beloved forum celebrity ReallyDirtPoor?

\\tㄴ:StarvingArtist: Can you stop mentioning that guy?;

\\tㄴ:That guy??????????????????


“….What’s his deal?”

Why did this guy hate me so much?

Last time, I gave him some genuinely heartfelt advice.

Well, it was his choice whether he took it or not.

But still… It felt a bit unfair.

So I left a comment.

L:ReallyDirtPoor:You're dead if I see you.

I didn't bother checking for replies.

It wasn't like I left the comment expecting a response.

With that, I finished my bath and headed towards the Adventurers' Guild.

It was time to get going.

"Ah, you're here."

"Yes, I am."

I was greeted by a surprisingly alert Esily, and I returned her greeting.

Then, I got straight to business.

"So, could I take a look at the materials you prepared for me yesterday? I'd like to get going as soon as possible."

"Oh, sure."

Esily readily agreed and handed me a stack of papers.

I decided to look them over on the way and focus on getting moving.

I wanted to get there as quickly as possible.

The thought of going on a journey was somewhat exciting.

It had been a while since I'd been anywhere new.

It was technically a request, but I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation.

Lost in my thoughts, I hailed a nearby carriage.

Honestly, I could've just used Teleport to get there, but that would've drained too much mana.

So, it was more efficient to take a carriage and travel in comfort.

It wasn't like I was short on money.

Might as well put it to good use.

"Do you have any carriages heading towards Koruntum?"

"Ah, I have one seat left. It's on the very edge, though. Is that alright with you?"

"Yes, that's fine."

"Alright then, be back here in ten minutes and we'll depart. You can pay the fare now."

"Ah, one moment. Let me just grab the money."

I didn't want to risk revealing my subspace pouch in broad daylight, so I stepped into a nearby alleyway, retrieved the money, and returned to the carriage driver to pay the fare.

Ten minutes later.

I was on board the carriage, heading towards Koruntum.

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  1. Slight plot hole here. How can he think of teleporting there when he said teleportation required either having been there, or within eye distance.
