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Chapter 2 - I Became a Swordsmanship Instructor in a Romance Novel

The hero who saved a dark world, possessed an instructor in romance fantasy. Novel, Academy, SIRN, Fantasy, Possession.

The Hero of Dark Fantasy Possessed a Romance Fantasy (1)


Clack, clack, clack

“Damn it...”

10 years ago, the hero who saved the continent of Dave.

Zeke Clayman.

He was being transported like luggage in a rickety military carriage, heading towards Ramielli Academy.

Ramielli Academy. Located in the heart of the Empire, it was ridiculously far.

He cursed under his breath, dumbfounded by his current situation.

“What in the world is going on? And why the hell is my way of speaking like this... Sh… Shit.”

He buried his face in his hands, trying to deny reality, but nothing changed.

He missed his old mattress that reeked of cigarettes from his single-room apartment.

‘What is this?’

Zeke rubbed his face and stared blankly at his hand, feeling the cold metal.

Thick, rugged hands, calloused.

On his fourth finger, a red gemstone ring emitted a brilliant light.

He hated anything getting in the way of his hands.

In a fit of anger, he took off the ring and threw it out of the carriage.

“Ha... I shouldn’t have written that comment, that damn comment...”

Maybe this situation was some kind of hilarious prank.

Or maybe it was a dream.

He had his doubts, but this familiar feeling was definitely reality.

Zeke was quick to accept the situation.

After all, this wasn’t his first time being kidnapped to another world.

The first time was when he was summoned as a hero.

He had finally defeated the final boss, a feat no one had achieved before, in a game he had been playing for a long time.

'Now, why don't you try catching it in real life?'

And with that, he was dropped, wearing nothing but his underwear, into a hopeless dark fantasy world.

And there he toiled like a dog for 10 long years.

He barely survived countless dangers and finally managed to slay the final boss.

He had saved the world and come back.

He had promised himself a normal life.

But now, reincarnation into a romance fantasy?

‘I was being careless.’

Having been burned badly by the game, Zeke didn't even dare to go near the letter 'G' of 'Game' after returning to Earth.

He had spent the past year carefully avoiding even the English letter 'G.'

Exactly one year later, Zeke let his guard down.

After returning to Earth.

Having quit the game he used to play every day, Zeke had a lot of free time on his hands.

So, to relieve his boredom, he decided to pick up an old hobby.

Reading web novels.

However, he couldn’t bring himself to read the novels he used to enjoy.

He couldn't even bring himself to glance at classic fantasy novels about heroes saving the world, alternative history novels with blood flowing like rivers due to war, reincarnation stories, martial arts, hunters, or game fantasy.

His experiences had made him weary and tired of wielding a sword and slaying anything.

After filtering through everything, the only genre left was ‘romance fantasy’.

The unique settings, the beautiful female leads entangled with multiple men, and their silly antics - it was all a breath of fresh air, a new source of healing for him.

That is, until he came across the swordsmanship descriptions in one of the novels he was reading, [The Secret Girl of Ramielli Academy].

There are three things a person must absolutely refrain from doing.

First, getting addicted to a game to the point of becoming a complete wreck.

Second, writing a novel.

Third, leaving a 5,700-character comment on a novel.

That's right. Zeke made the third mistake.

Even after suffering so much from the first mistake!

The scene in question involved the female lead being chased by bandits.

What a bunch of incompetent fools.

It was one of those cliché scenes where the Second Prince, who was obsessed with the female lead and had been stalking her, intervenes at the critical moment and slays the bandits.

Perhaps the author wanted to show off their knowledge of swordsmanship because they spent a good three pages describing the Second Prince’s movements.

However, in Zeke's eyes, who had spent 10 years swinging a sword in real life, the Second Prince's swordsmanship was so ridiculously awkward that he couldn't hold back his advice.

He ended up leaving a 5,700-character comment, packed like a mountain of rice.

And without a single space!

When he saw the author’s reply, [If you’re so good, why don’t you jump in!], his hair stood on end, and he immediately tried to delete the comment, but it was too late.

If only he knew that a careless comment would lead to reincarnation into a romance fantasy, he would never have left that comment.

It wasn’t even a novel he was particularly interested in.

He was reading seven romance fantasies at the time.

He had skimmed through it, and this was the first novel he had ever commented on.

He couldn't remember the plot, the events, or even the name of the main character!

‘The names of female leads in romance fantasies are all so similar that they’re easy to mix up...’

The only fragments of memory he could scrape together were that he had reincarnated somewhere near the beginning of the story and a few scenes of the male and female leads flirting at the academy.

And the biggest problem of all.

The original owner of this body he was now stuck in, was a male ex-soldier.

This crazy bastard had donated all his money to the military upon retirement and applied to be a swordsmanship instructor at the academy, claiming he wanted to teach kids.

How much of an airhead did you have to be to make such a choice?

It was beyond Zeke's comprehension.

He had tried to raise his voice and reverse the situation after realizing what was going on, but all he got in response was,

‘The generals have already spent all that money.’

In the end, he had to become a swordsmanship instructor at the academy, even if it was just to make a living.

Couldn't he just find another job?

The problem was that the Emperor himself had already given his approval, so if he refused now, he would be branded a traitor and end up behind bars.

'That damn general... Should I just flip this whole thing over? Should I just become a traitor?'

The thought crossed his mind, but he quickly dismissed it.

A deep sigh escaped his lips.

Ah, he craved a cigarette.

A real cigarette from Earth, the kind with 10mg of tar and nicotine packed in.

As a veteran with 10 years of experience living in a fantasy world, he could confidently say that the cigarettes here would taste like crap.

“If I'm a swordsmanship instructor, I should be able to teach without actually using a sword... Ha, what am I even saying?”

The scenery outside the carriage window slowly passed by.

The sun was shining brightly, and the sky was incredibly high and blue.

The wind, carrying the scent of fresh air, brushed against his forehead.

“What a perfect day to just disappear.”


“Crack! Kieek!!”

“See? I told you someone would end up disappearing… Huh?”

Clear screams rang out in the distance, mixed with strange growls.

Zeke leaned out the window and surveyed the situation.

"What's going on?"

"S-Sir Zeke..."

When he poked his head out and asked, the coachman trembled and pointed a finger somewhere.

Zeke narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction the coachman was pointing.

"Kieek! Keruk!"

"Keruk, keruruk!"

In the distance, short, green monsters were attacking a luxurious carriage.

The carriage was in a terrible state, its wheels broken and parts shattered.

The monsters let out unpleasant sounds, like scraping metal.

And there, caught in their grasp, was a silver-haired woman, covered in blood.

‘What? Are those goblins? This is a romance fantasy world, what are those things doing here?’

Should he just ignore them?

The thought that suddenly crossed his mind was a powerful temptation.

"Sir Zeke… I think they’ve seen us."

"It's too late, isn't it..."

Heaving yet another sigh, Zeke opened the carriage door and stepped out, his demeanor indifferent.

Dark green skin, protruding bellies, drooling saliva.

Six goblins glared at him with their hideous appearances.


Three of them charged towards the carriage where he stood, letting out monstrous cries.

Zeke instinctively reached for his sword, then stopped.

"Against these things... Yeah, there's no need to draw my sword."

As the goblins approached, swinging their clubs, Zeke tilted his head slightly to dodge and, in the same motion, grabbed one by the neck and thrust his fingers forward.


In an instant, he pierced its carotid artery, and green blood spurted from the goblin’s neck.

Zeke immediately flung the creature away and dashed towards the next goblin.





Every time Zeke threw a punch, a goblin with a caved-in face crumpled to the ground.

They writhed and twitched, letting out agonizing shrieks.

Zeke swiftly raised his foot and stomped on their necks, finishing them off.

With three of their comrades down in the blink of an eye, the remaining goblins exchanged panicked glances before pointing their clubs at the fallen woman.

A clear threat – if he came any closer, they would kill her.

"You pathetic little..."

Zeke stared at them with cold eyes and picked up three pebbles from the ground.

He then hurled all three pebbles at once with all his might.

The pebbles shot forward like bullets.


Thud. Thud. Thud.




Their heads pierced, the monsters collapsed like puppets with their strings cut.

The combat experience Zeke had accumulated in the dark fantasy world was deeply ingrained in his every move, regardless of his physical form.

Combined with his battle-hardened body, he might not have been at his peak, but he could still emulate about half of his former prowess.

Zeke stared blankly at the green blood staining his hand.

Such feats were impossible on Earth, where mana didn't exist.

Of course, even without mana, his experience wouldn't simply vanish, and he was confident he wouldn't lose in a hand-to-hand fight against goblins. That's why he had stepped in.

However, piercing a goblin's neck with his fingers or crushing its skull with a pebble-like bullet wouldn't have been possible back on Earth.

A chuckle escaped Zeke's lips.

Although much weaker than in the dark fantasy world, mana existed in this romance fantasy world too.

And there were monsters roaming around as well.

‘I’m sure there were no scenes with monsters appearing in the novels I read.’

If there were, he would have dropped them immediately.

Perhaps the author had been so focused on depicting events within the academy that they had omitted this detail.

‘Ha. This is ridiculous. Another reason why I need to go back to Earth.’

Zeke gathered his thoughts and turned around.



"Take care of that woman and tend to her wounds. And check if there’s anyone else in the carriage."

Zeke gestured with his chin towards the wrecked carriage.

The coachman, who had been gaping at the overwhelming display of combat, hurriedly rushed towards the woman at Zeke’s words.

* * *


The youngest daughter of the Yohaiden Dukedom,

Selena Yohaiden frowned at the stiffness in her body and slowly woke up.

Her entire body ached as if she had been bruised.

The last scene she remembered flashed before her eyes.

Hideous cries. Approaching dark green skin. Goblins. And a club being swung.

They were monsters notorious for kidnapping women and impregnating them with their offspring.

The women who were taken by those monsters were always found in a pitiful state, even if they were rescued later.

'D-Don't tell me!!'

She tried to move, but her body was bound tightly, preventing her from doing so.


Only a living hell awaited Selena.

Days filled with fear, dreading the nights when those monsters would come for her. They wouldn't even allow her the mercy of taking her own life.

And then, she would gradually find herself with a growing belly, staring down at it with dead eyes, filled with regret for her entire life.

Things she hadn't done yet.

Things she had already done.

Things she had.

Things she had lost.

Things she would lose in the future.

All sorts of thoughts swelled in her mind before fading away.


Tears streamed down her face uncontrollably.

Her mind raced, and a sticky sense of dread began to creep up from her ankles.

Selena squeezed her eyes shut.

'If only I hadn't insisted on going to the academy… If only I had listened to Father… Why did I sneak out without the knights' escort? What good is a sword anyway? Mother, Father… What am I going to do?'

It was then.

"How frustrating. What kind of fool ties a knot like this! Move aside! No, get lost!"

A man's voice, rough like that of a street thug, reached her ears.

Blink. Blink.

She cautiously opened her eyes. And then she saw the owner of the voice.

Jet-black hair, sharp eyes, dark pupils that resembled his hair, and a rugged physique.

A man was reaching out to her.


"What's wrong? Are you awake?"

"W-What are you doing!?"

Selena twisted her body. But she was still bound, unable to move freely.

The goblins were gone, and now a rapist had appeared.

Her body trembled with fear, but she quickly composed herself.

‘That's right, I'm Selena Yohaiden. I need to stay calm.’

Gulp. She swallowed hard.

Well, he was better than goblins.

Unlike those monsters who couldn't understand human language, at least this man was human. He would understand the meaning of power.

Her mind raced as she quickly assessed the situation.

And then she glared at the man in front of her with sharp eyes.

"Do you have any idea who I am?"

"Who cares. Just stay still."

"I, I am-!"

Oh my god! This filthy man was saying it didn't matter who she was!

This type was the most dangerous…

Huh? The man was slowly untying the ropes that bound her. What was he doing?

Blink. Blink.

Sensing something strange, Selena watched his every move.

He untied the ropes that bound her body and then re-tied them neatly.

This time, she felt no restriction in her movements.

"The coachman tied you up strangely, so I’m redoing it. So, who are you?"


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Dream Big TL

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  1. So he escaped once and got caught once again. Also Romance fantasies mean either he remain there forever, or until the harem is formed.

  2. Thanks for the chapter
