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Chapter 18 - I Became a Swordsmanship Instructor in a Romance Novel

The hero who saved a dark world, possessed an instructor in romance fantasy. Novel, Academy, SIRN, Fantasy, Possession.

Ramielli Academy Entrance Ceremony (8)

'No way! This man! How can he just grab a lady's hand like that!!!'

Selena wanted to hold his hand longer, but her pounding heart made her pull her hand away.

Her face probably turned red too. This man is really bad for her heart.

"I apologize. I must have made you uncomfortable. Let’s stop here. You eat.”

Zeke apologized to Selena.

'Well, it's not that I didn't like it!'

Selena thought, is this man doing this on purpose? Is he really that clueless? She averted her gaze.

“So, how did it go with the academy?”

“Ah, they gave me the message. But it would be good to visit the Principal once. He didn’t look happy when he heard you collapsed.”

“I understand.”

When Zeke collapsed, Principal Lotto sighed and instinctively took out a cigarette in front of Selena, only to put it back in his pocket with an awkward expression.

“Are you sure you don’t need to go to the infirmary? What if you collapse again?”

“I’m fine. I know my body well. I was just a little tired.”

It was the same as what his personal doctor who examined him said.

“Even though this happened before.”

Honestly, Selena wanted to just drag Zeke to the infirmary.

But the academy’s official schedule starts in just two days.

“Anyway, you have to give a week-long demonstration class starting tomorrow.”

“Demonstration class?”

“Yes, as I mentioned before, students entering Ramielli can choose one minor in addition to their major.”


Students entering Ramielli Academy choose their desired major when they apply.

However, there are cases when the major is not suitable for them.

It could be due to lack of talent, or the difference between expectation and reality.

The minor was a safety net for such cases.

There were special cases where students changed their major altogether, but that made it easier for students who entered unpopular majors to switch to other majors, making the process even more complicated.

So the academy introduced this rule.

“To attract students to the minor, you have to give a week-long demonstration class. During that time, students who are even slightly interested in swordsmanship will take turns attending your class for a day.”

“Do all the students attend?”

“No. Usually, they participate in two or three classes they’re interested in for a day.”


“They decide whether to choose it as their minor after taking the class. It’s a pretty important class. Have you given it any thought?”

'Course registration period? Is it like orientation?'

“Hmm. Well, I do have a plan.”

Selena nodded at Zeke’s words.

With his swordsmanship skills, what could be the problem?

If there was a problem, it would probably be on the students' side.

Honestly, that could be easily solved with a single flower.

'But I don't want to give him flowers in front of other people…'

Selena recalled the time when he approached her with violets, her eyes glazed over.

Zeke wondered if there was anything else to ask.

Then he remembered the entrance ceremony.

“And Selena. About the entrance ceremony…”

“Instructor. It’s fine.”


Selena hardened her face and firmly cut Zeke off.

She was no longer curious about who he was.

When Zeke suddenly collapsed in front of her this time.

She was afraid that something bad might happen to him.

It felt very different from when he collapsed in the carriage before.

Back then, she was just surprised, but this time she was scared.

Selena realized how much Zeke had become a part of her life.

So she decided not to be curious anymore.

About his relationship with Iriel, or what kind of past he had.

Zeke is just Zeke.

The benefactor who saved my life.

He’s quiet and expressionless.

But he’s a person who says a lot with his moving lips and eyes, even though he doesn’t realize it.

He might think he’s not showing it, but he’s a kind person who always watches over me from behind.

A trustworthy person who took my side.

A person who gave me a new dream for the sword.

It's enough to know that much.

It's enough to just have a casual conversation like now.

She was afraid that knowing the truth would only make things uncomfortable.

Selena really thought it was okay.

Zeke nodded and changed the subject.

“I think I’ll go out tomorrow. There are some things I need to find for class preparation.”

At that, Selena gathered her courage.

“Yes, Instructor, would it be alright if I went with you?”

Zeke nodded.

'A d-date!'

Selena's lips curled into a wide smile.

* * *

Selena drank her cold soup as if she were drinking it.

She talked with Zeke about where they would go tomorrow.

Not just places he needed to go for work, but also about the must-see spots at Ramielli Academy.

She had planned to spend a month exploring the surroundings after arriving at the academy, but with Zeke's regular training, she hadn’t had the chance to visit most of the places yet.

Selena was so happy talking to him that she lost track of time.

Then, suddenly, they both stopped talking.

Silence filled the room.

Selena glanced at Zeke cautiously.

Then, she spoke in a small voice.

“Um… Th-that……. Instructor……. Will you please tell me…?”

'Huh? What are you… talking about?'

Zeke had a puzzled look on his face.

“About your relationship with Iriel Eustia…?”

Selena’s index fingers fidgeted, embarrassed.

She had decided she wasn’t curious, but she was too curious.

She said she wouldn't mind, but she really, really did.

Zeke is Zeke, but that doesn’t mean he’s not the same Zeke from before.

Honestly, shouldn’t it be okay for us to know this much about each other?

Of course, we’re not in a relationship or anything! But still!

Rambling on without even knowing what she was thinking, Selena spoke.

“What was your past like…? I want to know!”

As if she had already decided to speak her mind, Selena's voice grew louder.

'Um……. Selena?'

“I want to know why Iriel reacted that way at the academy!”

'Selena, I want to know that too! I was about to ask you earlier, but you stopped me.'

Zeke was curious about what had happened between Iriel and Selena at the entrance ceremony.

He was clearly involved, but he had no idea what it was about.

So he was about to ask Selena, but she gave him a firm look and said it was fine, so he just let it go.

'But what am I supposed to do if you ask me that…?'

Cold sweat trickled down Zeke’s forehead.

“……Is it something you can’t tell me……?”


“Instructor. I really……”

Selena’s voice trembled slightly. Then, she suddenly changed her tone to a cheerful one.

“Ah, I shouldn’t have asked! Instructor. I’m okay! Forget everything I just said!”


“Ah, really, I’m fine. Don't worry about it. Why would I say that? It’s not something you need to tell me! Everyone has their secrets, right?”


Zeke’s eyes wavered.

'Oh. This is definitely a pattern where I can’t not tell her. But, I don’t know either!!'

“Then I’ll be going now! Good night!”

Despite her cheerful words, Selena didn’t get out of bed. It was making him incredibly nervous how she kept glancing at him with lingering attachment!

Full brain activation!

Zeke’s thoughts raced at the speed of light.

'Should I just say I lost my memory? That I got hit in the head by a monster?'

He came up with a plausible excuse, but Zeke shook his head internally.

'No, she'll see through that lie right away. And…'

Zeke knew that the girl in front of him was the only one he trusted in this world.

He could listen to and talk to other people normally, but those were just superficial relationships.

Unconditional, pure goodwill and favor. He didn’t want to tell a lie that would be exposed later to this child who was so honest with him.

'Uh, um. But…. Would she believe me if I told her that I was originally summoned to a dark fantasy world as a hero, slashed enemies, saved the world, returned to my original world, read romance fantasy novels, wrote comments, and got possessed…!'

He scratched his head.

'Damn, life is really spectacular.'

Looking at Selena, he saw tears welling up in her blue eyes.

Uh oh. She’s going to cry.

Damn it.

Let’s just tell her what happened that day without any lies.

It's a bit embarrassing to be completely honest.

Selena is smart, so she’ll understand.

'Work, noble speech pattern!'

Zeke used the noble speech pattern for the first time at this very moment.

* * *

Selena stared intently at Zeke, who was making a troubled expression.

'As expected, he can’t tell me.'

Selena finally picked up the tray and got out of bed.

As she was about to turn around and head back to her room, lost in thought.

Zeke opened his mouth.


Selena turned around at his call. Her eyes were moist.

“I’ll tell you in advance that there is not a single lie in what I’m about to say.”

Ah, he’s going to tell me.

“Yes…. I believe you.”

Selena replied in a serious voice.

There would be no lies in what he was about to tell her.

He was not a man who would lie; he would rather not speak at all.

“…..First of all, I don’t remember.”

However, Selena’s mind went blank at his first confession.


“To be precise, I don’t remember anything before the day my assignment to the academy was confirmed.”


“It’s probably because of what happened when I retired from the military that day.”

So, he’s saying he’s been a blank slate since he met her?

It was different from what she expected, but Selena nodded as if to tell him to continue.

“My superior, the general, might have taken something precious from me.”

‘My precious money.’

“It was something I had protected all my life. But they took it all away on the day I retired.”

‘The money I worked so hard for all my life!’

“And they forced me to do something I didn’t want to do.”

‘They told me to go to the academy and be a swordsmanship instructor.’

“And then they told me to cheer up and do my best.”

‘I never dreamed of teaching kids! I just wanted to live as a jobless bum!’

“I think I lost my previous memories because of the shock.”

Zeke met Selena’s eyes.

As if asking if she understood.

“So, I don’t remember what kind of relationship I had with Iriel, or how we spent our time together.”

Selena’s hands were trembling.

“I might have had a relationship with Eustia as well. But, I promise you. I’m on your side.”

Zeke added, to ease Selena’s anxiety.

He couldn’t tell her about possession or summoning.

It was a sincere confession in its own way, considering her feelings.

“You were the first stranger I met after I lost my memory. So you’re the only one I remember.”

A short but powerful confession. That was the end of Zeke’s words.

Selena’s eyes and fingertips trembled as if an earthquake had struck.

Her heart ached.

'I-Instructor…! How could this…!'

Her imagination started to run wild.

Zeke’s confession was sincere, but to her ears, which were prone to delusions, it sounded a bit different, except for the part where he said he believed her.

'I’ve heard that there are a lot of sexual harassment issues in the military, where they force themselves on people even though they’re not gay and don’t want to do it, even though everyone keeps it quiet…. So Instructor Zeke was…. His precious…! They forced themselves on him like that!!!'

How much must he have agonized over telling me this?

He even lost his memory from the shock.

He must have been so hurt,

and wanted to keep it a secret for the rest of his life.

But because of my stubbornness, he had to say it out loud.

How ashamed he must be.

Selena accepted the fact that he had lost his memory more easily than she thought she would.

'He didn’t seem to know anything about Yohaiden from the moment we met. I thought it was strange, even though he was a Northern noble. And he didn’t trust people at all.'

Like an animal hurt by humans avoids human touch, Zeke was a wounded beast.

A beast that had been wounded and abandoned after faithfully following orders as a combatant on the front lines.

'It’s only natural that this happened. It’s my fault, I asked him…! Stupid Selena!'

Especially since he was hurt by his superior,

it was only natural for him to refuse her touch as a form of self-defense.

'Could it be that I reopened his wounds? When he was finally trying to forget and start a new life! Stupid me!'

At the same time, she was grateful.

Despite the fact that he might have had a relationship with Eustia and a connection with Iriel,

he told her that he was on her side.

As a sense of relief washed over her,

guilt gnawed at her lips.

'The Instructor trusted me and told me this. I can’t show any disgust or pity here.'

She nodded, trying to maintain a composed demeanor,

but Selena couldn’t hold back the emotions welling up in her chest.

Her feet slowly moved towards Zeke.



And then, as her heart led her, she threw herself into his arms.

She felt his firm back against her fingertips, and the refreshing scent of wood filled her nose.

“I-I’m sorry, Instructor…. I didn’t know…!”

She didn’t mean to cry.

She really didn’t mean to pity him.

But the tears that had been welling up in her eyes soon streamed down, soaking Zeke’s chest.

Selena sobbed sadly, constantly stroking Zeke’s back.

Meanwhile, Zeke.

'Um? Selena? What’s wrong?'

Zeke was also flustered and patted Selena’s head.

'I'm a little sad that all my money was taken and I have to be an instructor, but I'm fine now. It's more convenient to be inside the academy anyway if I'm going to help the female lead.'

“Selena. You don’t have to cry. I’m fine.”

Selena’s cries only grew louder at his words, escalating to a full-blown wail.

Her face was buried in Zeke’s chest, so he couldn’t see her expression.

Zeke recalled the smirking woman’s face he had seen right after he was possessed.

“Yes. It was that woman’s fault.”

At that, Selena, who had been crying her heart out, suddenly stopped.


“That. Wo. Man?”

Her voice was cold and stiff, sending chills down his spine.

Zeke nodded.

“Yes. That female general.”

“Her gender is fe.male?”


Selena’s grip on Zeke tightened.

‘Ugh. S-Selena? I can’t… breathe…’

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Dream Big TL

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  1. Naaah this is funny lmao

  2. LMFAO omfg of course in a romance novel they jump STRAIGHT to assault xD

  3. nah bruh this shit funny as hell

  4. Thanks for the chapter
