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Chapter 16 - I Became a Swordsmanship Instructor in a Romance Novel

The hero who saved a dark world, possessed an instructor in romance fantasy. Novel, Academy, SIRN, Fantasy, Possession.

Ramielli Academy Entrance Ceremony (6)

‘Could she be… the female protagonist…? No, it’s too early to jump to conclusions.’

Zeke was immediately drawn to her the moment he heard the name, but he didn't want to assume anything.

‘No matter how bad my memory is, I can’t be stupid enough to forget a name like that…’

He cursed his unreliable memory, unable to confidently deny the possibility.

No. I am Zeke Clayman, the genius instructor acknowledged by Selena herself.

It's just that my memory is a bit… subpar. I can still do this!

He needed to keep an open mind.

There was always a chance that the protagonist was actually an ordinary girl with hidden talents, not the obvious choice.

“Could any other student tell me?”

“Um, like what…?”

“Well, preferably female students.”

Zeke added a condition.

‘At least I’m sure this isn’t a BL.’

He glanced at the staff member and nodded silently.

‘What? A poor, powerless but talented commoner girl?’

The staff member’s eyes turned into those of someone looking at garbage.

What’s with that look?


The entrance ceremony itself was simple. They explained precautions for future academy life and went over the rules.

Afterward, they endlessly repeated warnings about remembering the differences and divisions between commoners and nobles, much like a drill sergeant trying to prevent issues in the army.

Later, the students would have a casual meal and time to get to know each other. It was a surprisingly relaxed schedule, perhaps because they were commoners.

Before the meal began, the assistant, having finished the planned schedule, approached Zeke.

“Swordsmanship Instructor. Since you’re here, I think it’s time for introductions. Shall I introduce you?”

“No. I’ll handle it myself.”

As Zeke stepped forward, he reconsidered his initial plan.

It seemed like he needed to scrap his original speech.

There were numerous potential female protagonists here, including Soi Spoon.

However, he had no idea how many of them would choose the Swordsmanship Department.

His priority was to attract as many as possible.

The students before him were commoners.

It was only right to tailor his introduction accordingly.

He recalled the common sense and knowledge about this world that Selena had instilled in him, formulating his words.

‘To draw as many students as possible to the Swordsmanship Department…’

Zeke infused his voice with mana.

He had given countless speeches during his time as a hero in the dark fantasy world.

Zeke was confident when it came to public speaking.

‘Those ungrateful bastards even threw eggshells at me, saying the whole eggs were too good to waste…’

Recalling that memory, Zeke began to speak.

“I am Zeke Clayman, the Swordsmanship Instructor for the Knight Department at Ramielli Academy.”

His voice, imbued with weight and pressure, resonated through the hall.

Silence fell over the room, broken only by his words.

“As per Ramielli Academy regulations, you choose one main department upon entering and can select another as a minor. I came here to offer you a chance to join mine.”

His words were met with puzzled looks.

It was unusual for an instructor to personally recruit students.

“Why should you learn swordsmanship?”

Zeke chose his next words carefully, aiming to provoke them.

He wanted to nudge those who hadn't considered swordsmanship, encouraging them to at least entertain the thought.

“In truth, it’s best not to learn the sword. A sword is at its finest when it rests, untouched within its sheath.”

He meant it sincerely.

Zeke disliked both the dark fantasy world and this romance fantasy world.

No matter how sweet the love and drama might be, in a world with swords, blood, war, and monsters, one would inevitably end up wielding a blade.

"However, it is not you who decides that, but the world itself."

Indeed, the world had already made its decision.

It dictated how one should live, just as Zeke had been suddenly thrown into this world.

"If this were a peaceful world without violence, there would be no need for you to learn the sword."

Why did he end up as a swordsmanship instructor, of all things?

"But this world is home to monsters, and you will face them. In the alleys lurk thieves, and in the mountains, bandits hide, waiting to steal your possessions and lives. You will encounter countless injustices throughout your lives."

This world was different from the dark fantasy world.

However, that didn’t mean the lives of commoners here were stable.

Bandits, thieves, criminals in the shadows, and even monsters threatened their existence.

The Empire’s protection was spread thin, unable to fully ensure their safety or provide adequate infrastructure.

"When that time comes, the only thing you can rely on is your own strength."

If there was one thing Zeke had learned in the dark fantasy world, it was that in the end, the only one you could truly rely on was yourself.

“Let me ask again. Why should you learn the sword? Why should you possess strength?”

The light in some of their eyes began to change.

Even Soi Spoon’s fists were clenched tight.

Zeke smiled faintly.

He channeled a bit more mana into his voice.

“My answer to that is, to survive.”

Their faces, once indifferent, now held genuine attention as they listened to his words.

“Strength is your last, desperate defense. It allows even the small and weak to fight back against the strong, or to escape. Remember that.”

Heads nodded in the audience.

Yes, they desired strength. No one wanted to live in fear, constantly aware of potential dangers.

But how could they obtain that strength?

“If you attend my classes, and if you persevere until the very end, you will gain that strength.”

‘And that, my friends, is by attending the swordsmanship classes of Zeke Clayman, the number one instructor of the dark fantasy world. No dropouts allowed.’

"Furthermore, I promise you this: Ramielli Academy is an institution that values equality. In my class, there will be no discrimination between nobles and commoners. Everyone will be treated equally."

‘And by equally, I mean everyone will suffer equally in my class.’

At his words, the students glanced at the staff members who had emphasized the difference in treatment between nobles and commoners just moments ago.

However, they couldn't contradict Zeke's words, especially since he was emphasizing the academy's principle of equality.

They could only fidget uncomfortably.

"So, think carefully. Think about where you want to use that one remaining opportunity."

‘Yes, perfect ending. The audience's reaction is great. Feels like I greased my vocal cords with magic.’

Zeke’s powerful, charismatic speech ignited a fire in the students’ eyes.

Their response was even better than he expected.

Although they were still left wondering, ‘Why us?’, they couldn't deny the truth in the Swordsmanship Instructor’s words.

After all, there was no reason for him to personally come here and recruit commoner students if he wasn't being truthful.

As Zeke finished speaking, the students stared at him with wide eyes.

Clap… Clap… Clap…

The applause, starting small and hesitant, quickly spread like wildfire.

Soon, the cramped space was overflowing with cheers and applause.




Strength. Yes, that was it.

Who among them hadn't wished for it?

Every commoner had experienced the frustration of enduring injustice due to their lack of power.

And here, this man, Zeke Clayman, had personally sought them out, promising to help them overcome that very weakness.

And he was an instructor at Ramielli Academy, no less!

The commoners’ entrance ceremony echoed with passionate cheers.

‘Um… Shouldn’t it be getting quiet by now? Guys…? Uh… Did I overdo it…? Don't tell me it’s because I infused my voice with mana…!’

The students continued to cheer enthusiastically.

‘Did I cause a huge scene?’

Zeke was slightly flustered.

‘I mean, I wanted to attract as many students as possible, but why such a positive response? This never happened in the dark fantasy world!!!’

* * *

Meanwhile, the seemingly endless noble entrance ceremony, filled with various rituals and speeches, finally concluded.

As the banquet and after-party were about to begin, Selena and Iriel approached the principal.

“Where is Zeke Clayman?”

The principal, as if expecting this question, let out a long sigh.

‘He wasn’t even ordered to go there? Damn it, what is he thinking?!’

“Instructor Zeke… said he was going to the commoner entrance ceremony.”

“The commoner entrance ceremony?”

“Why would he…?”

“I have no idea…”

‘Zeke, Zeke Clayman!!!’

The principal silently cursed Zeke’s name for the umpteenth time, trying to calm his frustration.

Fortunately, the two women didn't press further. They simply asked for the location and hurried out of the banquet hall.

‘W-Wait! The Second Prince isn’t here yet…? Without them… Oh no, Zeke!!!’


Selena and Iriel hurried towards the main building.

Suddenly, Iriel stopped in her tracks.

She called out to Selena, who was practically running ahead of her.


Selena turned around at her call.

“What is it?”

“What exactly is your relationship with Zeke?”

“Why should I tell you? If you’re so curious, why don’t you reveal yours first?”

Iriel stared at Selena as if she was speaking nonsense.

‘How in the world did she get involved with Zeke?’

However, Iriel had a hunch. Maybe revealing a little bit of the truth wouldn’t hurt. It would be entertaining to watch Selena’s despair.

This was the perfect gift from Zeke. Although she was annoyed he hadn’t come directly to her.

“Oh, so you don’t want to be the first to talk? Fine. I’ll tell you. Zeke is mine. He has been for a very long time.”


“I don’t know how you got entangled with Zeke, but even that must have been for my sake. He would never disobey me.”

“Stop lying!”

Selena desperately wanted to disbelieve her. Of course, Zeke was undeniably suspicious.

However, after pondering throughout the entrance ceremony, she realized that even Iriel, who claimed to know Zeke so well, was also searching for him.

This gave her a sliver of hope that Zeke hadn't approached her under Iriel’s orders.

But then…

Selena, her suspicions inflamed, cried out as if in pain.

“The instructor would never do such a thing!”

“Oh, shut up.”

Iriel, unconcerned with maintaining her composure in front of Selena, casually cleaned her ear with her pinky finger and flicked it.

Just then, she spotted a familiar head of black hair in the distance.

A wicked smile spread across her face.

“Tell you what, let’s make a bet.”

“A bet?”

“How about we see whose side Zeke will take?”

Iriel glanced around, making sure no one else was within earshot.

Then, she raised a hand.

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