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Chapter 149 - Can We Become a Family?

Forced to be Empress, Navia craves acceptance, but faces betrayal. She pursues revenge and new life.DBT,Korean,Novel,Translations,CWBF,Shoujo,Fantasy

Continuing to dislike me? Can't you distinguish between hate and affection?

Navia explained it in a way to ease the confusion.

"As long as you do your assigned job well, your personal feelings are none of my business."

It was fine for Lark since he was so loyal.

There was no need to like the daughter of the master he had sworn loyalty to.

'It's reasonable, isn't it?'


Navia asked for agreement with a bright smile.

Then, as if something else came to mind, she added with an 'Ah',

"But it would be troublesome if you show that you dislike me in front of Dad. He loves me quite excessively."

Navia's concern was not unfounded. Hadn't there almost been a disaster that could have destroyed the entire royal household today? Navia definitely did not want such an overwhelming situation to occur within her family.

Moreover, Nero was a trusted retainer who had been allowed by Lark to enter the third floor.

"So, please just dislike me to the extent you are doing now."

Hmm, that's done.

Navia smiled contentedly, having neatly sorted out the situation. She was about to resume her meal, which had been briefly interrupted, when:

“Wait a minute… Hate me, do you even know what you're saying?”

Nero blurted out almost accusingly.

Navia, having vigorously chewed and swallowed a well-cooked piece of meat, opened her mouth.


And she resumed chewing.

'Is this really something that can just be brushed off?'

Do you dislike me?

Yes. Then continue to dislike me.

It was an incredibly succinct flow of conversation, leaving a lingering sense of absurdity.

"Shouldn't you be convincing me to change my mind, to sincerely follow you?"

Nero said this even as he wondered what he was doing, talking like this to an eight-year-old.

Navia blinked.

"Why should I bother with that…?"

Why bother with someone who expressly dislikes…?

'It’s not particularly bad for me anyway.'

"I told you, Captain. Just do your job well. I need your ability to execute tasks, not your affection."


"Is this explanation sufficient?"

It was far from sufficient.

Ironically, it was he who disliked the child, yet the child had unbelievably generously allowed him to hate.

But why did he feel like such a fool now?

"Don't I dislike you? Shouldn't you speak to the lord and have me replaced as your personal guard?"

"But I like you as my guard."

He was at a loss for words, not knowing how many times this had happened.

When he showed a look of not understanding what he had heard, Navia reacted with awkwardness.

"If you like me... do we really need to change?"

Nero, utterly dumbfounded, blurted out a raw, unfiltered question.

"Why do you like me?"

"Well... you're handsome."

Nero, once again lost for words, unconsciously touched his face.

"And you're so capable, already a knight captain."

Then, the most important reason was explained.

"Because you're the person my father chose to stay by my side."

If a person is chosen to stay by the side of an infinite regressor, surely they must be a good person.

Navia thought simply.

However, this simple thought process was shockingly revolutionary to Nero.

To be liked just because I'm acknowledged by Lark? How is that possible?

Nero couldn't dare to open his mouth.

In front of Navia, a child ten years his junior, he felt incredibly small.

Just like when he first saw his lord and was utterly defeated, his heart pounded as if he had just been told to become a knight of the Titans.

The daughter of the person he so respected and followed, the child who even made his cold and inhuman lord smile like a human...

'What kind of arrogance had I been trapped in?'

He felt ashamed.

He wanted to run away immediately.

He was afraid that his narrow-mindedness would reveal the limits of his lowly status, that his inferiority would be exposed.

"Nero Sylas, the team leader."


A low, weary voice emerged.

Navia sighed upon seeing his face turn pale.

"Would you like to come here?"

Before their conversation, he would have flatly refused.

But now, submerged in shock and confusion, he obediently followed Navia's words.

He knelt on one knee at Navia's feet and lowered his posture.

"Do you need something...?"

That's when Navia embraced Nero.

At that moment, his thoughts ceased. All the clutter in his mind was swept away.

Pat, pat.

Navia gently patted his back with her fern-like hands.

"A hug is the best comfort," she said. "That was the second thing I learned in Eseled."


"And if you're struggling, just ask for help. That was the first thing I learned there."

Nero felt a surge of emotion upon hearing these words.

"It's okay if you hate me. Then, well, Captain Sylas will think of me as a tree that couldn't root in barren forest."

That was the third lesson from Eseled.

"The young master is still just a child, isn't he?"

It might have been an inappropriate comment for an eight-year-old to say.

"You can talk to me honestly if you want."

But why did this little girl seem more like a huge tree than himself?

"I'll keep it a secret."

And then, she suddenly pulled his hand and hooked her little finger with his.

"Alright, a promise."

He was dumbfounded by her perfect childlike treatment.

It was really frustrating and absurd... but strangely, he felt at ease.

Nero twitched his lips and then stepped back, pulling his hand away. His eyes were tinged with red.

"...That won't be necessary."

Navia shrugged her shoulders lightly and nonchalantly continued with her meal.


Before he knew it, Nero's position had changed to be very close to Navia.

Navia didn't place much significance on his proximity. More precisely, she didn't pay it any attention.

She was busy. She needed to finish her meal quickly as she had things to do.

'The Emperor is more cautious than I thought. Moreover, unexpectedly, he has a tender heart.'

Diana, the Empress, was far more audacious and decisive than Ulrich. Thus, it seemed feasible to cover up today's incident and pursue a new relationship.

Navia prepared to write a letter.

'Once Dad falls asleep, I'll have to lead Eseled myself.'

Lark's reason for discussing something two years in the future was unclear.

He must have had his own plan, undoubtedly something that would benefit Navia.

Navia now fully understood how fiercely he loved her and how dearly he cherished her. She was certain of it.

Therefore, she too had to prepare to protect her father.

To protect something, one must become strong themselves.

'There's another way to become strong, aside from doing it myself.'

That is, to weaken the enemy.

Weakening the enemy was tantamount to strengthening oneself.

'Is there a more effective method than internal division for this?'

Navia wrote the letter.

The recipient was Emperor Ulrich.

Thud, thud, thud!

As soon as Navia finished writing the letter, she hurriedly went to find Suleiman.

Nero followed her silently.

Soon, they arrived at the annex where Creed was staying.

"I have a favor to ask of you, Mr. Suleiman."

"Oh, our lady, and Nero is here too. I just heard from Margaret that you've returned."

Nero bowed his head, feeling the gaze of the black-haired boy.

'Who is this kid?'

What on earth had happened while he was away from the mansion?

Nero felt the question gnawing at him.

During this time, Navia handed Suleiman a letter.

"I want to send a letter to His Majesty the Emperor right away. Secretly."


Sensing an unusual plan behind the letter, Suleiman accepted it with a premonition.

"I will do as instructed."

* * *

The royal palace, overturned by Lark in a single bout, was in a state of sheer devastation.

The unconscious Ares and knights, the Emperor coughing blood, and the court magicians, paralyzed with deep-seated fear, losing their will.

Nothing was left unscathed.

Ulrich received a medical examination from the Doctor and changed into clean clothes.

"How is Ares doing?"

"He's still unconscious. Do not worry too much, as Her Majesty the Empress is by his side."

Upon hearing the head servant's words, Ulrich couldn't help but sneer.

"Of course. A woman so intensely devoted to her son. Despite my advice to rid him of such vulgar tastes!"

Externally, he forced a facade of calm, but internally he was in turmoil, unable to contain himself.

Once, his father, the Emperor, had said to him,

"Ulrich. There will come a day when you realize that there is a sky above the sky."

A sky above the sky.

He had dismissed his father's words as nonsense, but only today did he truly feel their weight.

Lark was the sky.

A sky that existed above the sky called Ulrich.

And that was terribly infuriating.

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