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Chapter 14 - I Became a Swordsmanship Instructor in a Romance Novel

The hero who saved a dark world, possessed an instructor in romance fantasy. Novel, Academy, SIRN, Fantasy, Possession.

Ramielli Academy Entrance Ceremony (4)

‘This is… the entrance ceremony?’

Zeke had imagined that the academy’s entrance ceremony would be something like students gathering in a large auditorium and standing in a line.

He had even roughly thought about what to say on the platform when it was time for introductions.

Well, even if not to that extent, he had some kind of image in mind.

But none of them included this scene.

A little distance from the main building.

An open space where various shapes of trees and flowers were in full bloom, as if they had been meticulously cared for by gardeners.

Whether it was the academy that called them, various musicians were playing instruments such as grand pianos, violins, and flutes.

White-clothed tables were placed throughout the open space,

and on top of them, buffet-style meals were constantly replaced with new dishes as they were eaten.

People dressed as butlers walked around with wine bottles, refilling the students’ glasses when they were empty.

“Here! Fill up my wine!”


The students each held a glass and moved around as if searching for food, looking around.

Their attendants followed closely behind them and assisted them.

‘Are they playing train or something? Like sausages in a row… They should’ve told me beforehand that the academy’s entrance ceremony was like this. Selena.’

Zeke had heard from Selena’s lessons about what aristocratic banquets were like,

but he had never seen one in person, so he couldn’t quite imagine it.

One student bumps into another,

chatting for a while before parting ways and meeting another student…

‘Hmm, is this what they call networking?’

Zeke’s gaze turned to a table where some older-looking people were gathered.

“I heard two daughters from duke families entered this year.”

“I know about Eustia, but the other one…?”

“Yohaiden, I hear.”

“Huh! Yohaiden! That young lady came to Ramielli too. Do you happen to know what her major is?”

“The Department of Knighthood.”

“Department of Knighthood? Why would a duke’s daughter…?”

One of the professors, who had heard that Selena’s major was the Department of Knighthood, widened his eyes.

“I don’t know. I just thought it might be a hobby. Anyway, the professors in that department will have to be quite nervous.”

“Huh, a duke’s daughter’s major is the Department of Knighthood… Hmm? Ah, you are…… the son of Count Cloud. Right, have a drink. Is the head of the family well? I remember going to get a massage with him 10 years ago when I was in Elay! So, back then in Elay…”

And so, the professors were sitting at the center table, holding their weight,

chuckling and talking about the academy.

Occasionally accepting drinks offered by students and giving them words of encouragement,

they were having a friendly aristocratic gathering.

Meanwhile, Zeke was alone in a corner, like an isolated island.

Of course, as the number one instructor in romance fantasy,

having received Selena’s crash course, Zeke would have been able to cope to some extent if he had joined them,

but thinking about how Selena always sighed because of his body’s etiquette and his blunt words, he thought it would be better to stay this way.

‘And rather than just participating in the conversation, listening to everything from here actually gathers more information.’

As he stood there with a straight face, some nobles glanced at Zeke and

tried to approach him a few times, but they didn’t come near him.

‘Hmm, but the Second Prince hasn’t arrived yet? They say the higher the rank, the later they arrive… Then who’s the female lead?’

Thinking that, Zeke checked the faces of the female students one by one.

At that moment, the academy’s principal approached Zeke.

He was also dressed in a formal suit, but he seemed somewhat relieved as if a burden had been lifted.

“What are you doing here?”

“Well, I’m not familiar with places like this.”

“Is that so.”

Zeke looked around. Then he suddenly noticed something strange.

“But I’m curious about something.”

“What is it?”

“Are all the students here all the freshmen? The number seems small for an entire grade.”

Of course, if you added the number of servants who followed each noble, it would be quite a lot,

but it was impossible that they were all freshmen.

“Ah, there are only nobles here.”

“Is that so… Then where are the commoners?”

“Hmm… You’re quite unusual, aren’t you?”

The principal stared at Zeke as if analyzing him.

“You have connections with the Duke’s family, so why are you curious about that?”

“I just thought it was strange.”

“You find this strange…? Well, it’s something you might say if you don’t know much about the academy.”

The principal nodded.

Originally, Zeke was supposed to receive a month of faculty training before the entrance ceremony, but he didn’t.

So, it made sense for him to say such a thing, but…

The principal looked around the entrance ceremony venue that he had spent a month preparing.

Remembering all the hard work he had put into it, he felt like tears were about to well up in his eyes.

Hmm, the principal assessed Zeke.

‘He’s under the Duke’s protection, yet he’s concerned about commoners. Why? What’s his purpose…? I’ll have to test him a little.’

“Do you know what the most emphasized rule is at Ramielli Academy?”

“Yes, equality.”

“That’s right. Ironically, the Empire is a society with a strong class system.”

Equality. He had heard it from Selena.

All students at Ramielli Academy were treated equally, regardless of their status.

But he knew it was ultimately a meaningless rule.

“The founding principal established that rule, but I don’t know why. Afterward, they came up with various reasons… To be honest, it’s a ridiculous situation. Even now, the proposal to create a class system within the academy is brought up every year.”

“So, they act like friends until graduation, and then once they enter society, their status comes into play?”

“That’s right. In the end, the wall of status cannot be overcome. But how do you think a commoner student would feel if they were treated equally with nobles during their time at the academy, only to be bound by their status again the moment they receive their diploma?”

Zeke thought of words like “citizen revolution” from Earth.

To be honest, he couldn’t remember the specifics, but he knew that a lot of blood was shed because of the abolition of feudalism.

It wouldn’t be easy for those who had tasted freedom to submit and bow their heads again.

“They would be… dissatisfied.”

“Exactly. That’s why we’re giving them a taste of the class difference from the beginning. The freedom here is just a temporary sweet illusion. Don’t be mistaken. You are different from the moment you enter.”

Zeke let out a hollow laugh.

“You’re trying to hide the sky with your palm.”

“That’s an interesting expression. You’re right. It’s just a stopgap measure in the end.”

As Zeke listened to the principal’s words, it was as if lightning struck his mind.

‘Wait, could it be…? Is the female lead a commoner?’

As you can see, the Empire in this romantic fantasy world was a country where the class system was quite firmly maintained.

What if there was a dirt-poor commoner girl with extraordinary talent and beauty, but lacking in social status?

The story of such a girl getting involved with the prince or men of incredibly high status and climbing the social ladder,

is a classic romance fantasy trope, isn’t it?

It’s very difficult for a poor commoner from a humble background to get involved with such people in everyday life.

But what about an academy where there’s no class system, even if it’s just for show?

And on top of that, equality being a rule for no apparent reason? It’s a typical setting for pushing the protagonist forward.

‘And the villainess is Eustia Iriel from the Duke’s family…’

A whole novel, woven together with clichés he had seen before, was completed in his mind.

‘A high-ranking noble villainess likes the male lead who’s involved with a commoner! She gets jealous and tries to interfere, only to be taught a lesson… It’s… plausible!’

There’s no telling when there will be another event like this where all the freshmen gather.

This might be the only chance to find the female lead early on in this vast academy.

No, first, he had to confirm.



“Will there be another event where all the freshmen gather like this?”

“Hmm, well… There are a few big events, but attendance is optional… I guess the graduation ceremony would be it.”

“Then, do the entrance ceremonies for nobles and commoners end at the same time?”

“No. The nobles’ entrance ceremony is a little longer.”

‘This… I think I need to go now.’

It was important to identify the villainess, Iriel Eustia, and the Second Prince here.

But he already knew of their existence and their names.

Rather than waiting around until the Second Prince starts stalking the protagonist,

wouldn’t it be better to identify and secure her from the entrance ceremony and bring her to his class?

If so, it would naturally be much easier to help the female lead.

The problem was that Zeke didn’t know her face or name.

‘If her status is a commoner, she’ll definitely stand out. If she’s given such a minus factor, she needs to be given a plus factor that outweighs it to qualify as the female lead.’

Zeke’s heart raced.

“Where are the commoners?”

“There’s a separate banquet hall at the back of the academy’s main building.”

“Would it be alright if I went there?”


The principal frowned.

Even the daughters of the Yohaiden and Eustia Dukedoms hadn’t arrived yet.

‘He’s leaving before they even get here? What the…? Was he specifically ordered to find a commoner or something?’

The principal couldn’t just let Zeke go.

He didn’t even know which of the two families had planted this guy here,

and everyone in the Empire knew that the two weren’t on good terms.

Even before he arrived, one side had told him not to inform Zeke about anything, while the other side had made a fuss about finding him.

If the Yohaiden Princess hadn’t come in person, the academy might have really had to give up on making a choice.

Thus, the principal, a weak shrimp caught between two giant families, had been having a tough time lately.

The stress had even caused his once-lush hair to fall out in clumps.

‘And on top of that, a professor not even giving a greeting at the entrance ceremony? What kind of nonsense is that!’

The principal hardened his face with a serious expression and spoke to Zeke.

‘No matter who gave him orders, someone with manners and etiquette would at least respect the principal’s authority.’

“At least say hello before you go.”

“It’s urgent.”

“Just say hello and go.”

“It’s urgent.”

“No, I’m saying just say hello and go!”

“It’s urgent.”

‘This, this guy, I can’t communicate with him!’

The principal’s eyes shook as if an earthquake had occurred.

At that moment, a middle-aged man with a sturdy build and blond hair approached.

He had green eyes and wore colorful, flashy clothes, but they lacked the luxurious feel of Zeke’s attire.

Rather, they seemed cheap and mismatched, lacking any sense of unity.

‘Now this guy is a walking joke.’

Zeke held back a chuckle. Nice body, though.

“Principal, what’s the matter?”

“Ah, Sir Dios.”

“Yes, the academy entrance ceremony is about to begin. What seems to be the issue here…? Hmm? And you are?”

Dios glanced at Zeke.

Black hair, sharp eyes, and judging by his clothes, he seemed to be from a high-ranking noble family.

‘He looks young… a student? Black hair is rare… Who is he?’

Zeke spoke first, introducing himself.

“Zeke Clayman, swordsmanship instructor.”

“Ah? Ah! You’re…!”

Dios’s eyes lit up as he heard the name.

This was the guy. He finally met him!

Because of this guy, he had to do twice the work he was supposed to in the past month.

Just a former soldier, a mere commoner! And it turned out he wasn’t even a general.

He, Dios Redwood, former captain of the Redwood County’s Black Dragon Knights, had been pushed around by this guy.

He had reluctantly accepted it because this guy had connections with the Duke’s family and there was nothing he could do about it at the academy,

but he had been grinding his teeth this whole time.

For a moment, he felt a surge of anger, but Dios quickly grasped the situation.

‘Now is not the time. Later, I will definitely get back at you. You damn bastard.’

“So, you’re the Zeke Clayman. I am Dios Redwood, also a swordsmanship instructor.”

Dios extended his hand. Zeke frowned.

Judging by the forced smile on his lips, it seemed like something bad had happened at home.

Ah, but that wasn’t important right now.

“Anyway, I’ll be going now.”


The principal was startled and grabbed Zeke.

Dios, still awkwardly holding out his hand, felt a vein throbbing on his forehead.

‘This, this bastard! Is he ignoring me?’

He withdrew his outstretched hand as if nothing had happened and asked,

“What’s going on?”

“Dios, my friend, please talk some sense into him. Instructor Zeke here wants to leave without even a greeting at the entrance ceremony.”

“He doesn’t want to… give an entrance greeting?”

‘What on earth is this guy thinking…? Does he have no common sense? Leaving before the royalty and the Duke’s daughters?’

It was an incomprehensible act in Dios’s mind.

‘But if that’s the case… it’s even better. The Second Prince and the Duke’s daughters aren’t here yet. If this guy disappears now, their attention will be solely on me. And they’ll think he’s an ill-mannered, arrogant fool.’

He thought there might be something special about Zeke since he was connected to the Duke’s family, but it seemed he was just a lucky idiot.

Quickly making up his mind, Dios smiled brightly and said,

“Ah, it seems you have an urgent matter to attend to! Then, of course, you must go! I’ll take care of introducing you!”

“Sir Dios! You…!”

The principal was shocked and stared at Dios.

Zeke nodded.

‘Oh, this guy’s got some sense! +1 point.’

Zeke gave a cursory greeting to the principal and quickly left the entrance ceremony.

‘Female lead, attend my class!!!!’


Now that the noble students had filled their stomachs and finished their greetings,

the first order of the entrance ceremony was about to begin.

“Announcing the arrival of Lady Selena Yohaiden, daughter of the Yohaiden Dukedom!”

“Announcing the arrival of Lady Iriel Eustia, daughter of the Eustia Dukedom!”

Two voices rang out simultaneously. Everyone in the hall turned their heads.


“Who did they say? Gasp, Yohaiden! And Eustia!”

“Yohaiden and Eustia together?!”

The students, unable to understand properly as the voices overlapped,

looked towards the entrance and were taken aback.

However, rather than risking offending either family by announcing one before the other,

the academy had opted to announce both families simultaneously, even if it sounded strange.

It was better to have people question their odd choice than to face the wrath of a slighted Duke.

‘Why, why… are they arriving at the same time?! Zeke, Zeke Clayman!!!’

Of course, it was the principal who had given such an order. Clutching his churning stomach, he screamed Zeke’s name internally.

Moreover, it seemed like they were both looking for someone amongst the faculty as soon as they entered!

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