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Chapter 32 Part 2 - Raising the Princess to Overcome Death

Minseo was trapped in [Raise Lena], failing means to restart in a different scenario. DBT,Korean,Novel,Translation,Fantasy,Game,Time Loop

Two figures strolled through the well-maintained garden of the Capital’s Holy Cross Church.

“King Tartalia II of Bellita, you see, was the third prince. He was frail and shy, and no one expected him to inherit the throne. However, just before coming of age…”

Lena listened intently to Gilbert's story. Their first encounter had been awkward, and she still felt a little overwhelmed by him, but his stories were captivating.

Gilbert was knowledgeable and eloquent.

He didn't seem particularly interested in theology, which was Lena’s passion, but he made up for it with his vivid accounts of noble scandals and the fascinating cultures of various kingdoms.

“That was interesting, as always. Thanks for the walk too.”

“The pleasure was all mine.”

Their evening walks had become a regular occurrence. It had all started with Gilbert coaxing Lena, who would often stay late studying in the library, to join him for a stroll. Now, it had become a pleasant habit.

Lena didn't mind; in fact, she had come to cherish these walks.

The cool autumn breeze was refreshing after a long day of studying, and Gilbert's engaging stories kept her entertained.

He was handsome, she had to admit. With his neatly combed blond hair and impeccable attire, he was hard to miss, even in the solemn atmosphere of the Holy Cross Church.

Lena glanced at Gilbert walking beside her. Yes, he was undeniably handsome.

‘Well, I’m sorry to say this, but he’s better-looking than Leo.’

Leo was considered handsome for a young man from a rural village, but he was no match for a nobleman.

Gilbert’s imposing physique, deep baritone voice, straight nose that hinted at a strong will, and thick eyebrows all accentuated his masculinity.

Although he was currently at the Holy Cross Church, he was a prominent figure even among nobles.

Lena couldn't help but feel a surge of wonder at having befriended such a person.

To commoners like her, nobles were intimidating figures who demanded immediate deference and cautious respect. But the Holy Cross Church was truly a blessed place.

As she offered a silent prayer of gratitude, Gilbert held out his hand.

“Lena, may I borrow your hand for a moment?”

She placed her hand in his, a gesture that was becoming increasingly familiar. She felt strangely powerless around him, as if she had lost control of her own body. His natural grace and impeccable manners left her constantly off-balance.

Part of it stemmed from his noble status. A commoner had no choice but to obey a noble's every whim.

Fortunately, Gilbert's requests were always within reasonable bounds.

“It suits you perfectly.”

A small bracelet adorned her wrist. Flustered, Lena withdrew her hand, protesting.

“Oh! I’m sorry, but I can’t accept this.”

Her refusal was met with Gilbert’s disarming smile.

“My apologies, I seem to have misled you. It wasn’t my intention to give it to you. Forgive my forwardness. I was merely curious how it would look on someone…”

“Oh, I see. I apologize for the misunderstanding.”

Gilbert took a step back.

Her reaction was unexpectedly firm.

“If you don’t mind, perhaps you could wear it for a few days and give me your opinion? I’d like to gift it to my younger sister, but it doesn’t fit my wrist.”

He was an only child, but unaware of this fact, Lena hesitated before replying.

“I’m not sure if I’m worthy of keeping such a valuable item…”

“It’s nothing too precious. I found it at a street stall while passing through the market. Would you do me this honor?”

“Well, if you insist. I’ll return it in a few days. It looks simple, but there’s a certain elegance to it.”

There certainly was.

It might have looked simple, but it was crafted from platinum.

Gilbert, noticing her discomfort with the bracelet, quickly steered the conversation towards his fictional sister.

He simply had to fabricate a story about a noblewoman he had met.

Soon, Lena was engrossed in his description of the lavish life of a noble lady.

‘It’s amazing how much she enjoys these stories. Yet she refuses any gifts.’

She was a fascinating woman.

Gilbert had never met a woman from the countryside before.

In remote villages like Demos, “new stories” were rare, so most of what Lena knew came from the tales of Monk Lesley.

Even though Monk Lesley was well-traveled, as a man of the cloth, his stories tended to be rather dry and moralistic. Yet, she found even those fascinating.

Lost in Gilbert’s captivating storytelling, Lena didn't notice the time until she saw the moon high in the sky.

“Oh my! I’m going to be late. I have an early class tomorrow… I must apologize, but I really need to go now.”

“Of course. I’ve enjoyed our time together this evening.”

“As have I. Good night.”

She bid farewell to Gilbert and headed back to her lodgings.

“Lady Lena, are you heading in?”

“Ah, Daniel, you're leaving now too?”

Lena bumped into Daniel, who was also leaving the library late, and they walked together.

As they walked, the moonlight glinted off the bracelet on her wrist, catching Daniel’s eye. He frowned slightly.


“I see you're wearing a bracelet, Lady Lena.”

“Ah! This isn’t mine. It’s just that earlier…”

His eyes narrowed.

“...Sir Gilbert Forte?”

Daniel had passed most of his classes and was almost certain to receive his consecration the following autumn.

With a bit more luck, he could have been ordained this fall, but it seemed it wasn't meant to be.

Even if the results of the consecration weren’t perfect, one could still become a priest, so he was already treated as a junior priest.

As such, he had started assisting with some of the church's affairs, which included reviewing documents about individuals like Gilbert Forte.

He was currently the most talked-about person in the clergy's educational institution—the son of a Swordmaster and a prince of the Bellita Kingdom. His reputation, however, was far from spotless.

“Are you close with Sir Forte?”

“Yes, he’s been taking me on evening walks lately. It’s good exercise, and he tells the most interesting stories. For instance, today he told me about…”

As Lena chattered excitedly, a chill settled over Daniel’s gaze.

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