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Chapter 28 - Another World Adventurer's Forum

I became an adventurer in other world, still gotta browse through the forum. AWAF,Korean Novel,Translation,Fantasy,Begger,Forum,Master

Is this good?

There’s a low chance of getting a magic stone from a monster carcass.

These magic stones are mainly used in wands carried by wizards or for running certain systems.

The higher the grade of the magic stone, the longer it can be used and the higher the price skyrockets.

And the magic stone that came from the monster in front of me right now is-

“How much is something like this worth?”

I didn't know either.

How would I know about magic stones?

It would be better to ask Hearts about this.

Paladins are basically experts on this kind of stuff.

“Hmm… I’d say this is worth at least 100 gold, maybe more. You’ve hit the jackpot, so to speak.”

“Wow, this tiny thing is worth that much?”

I don't know much about magic stones.

Of course, I know that magic and magic stones are related, but that's about all I know.

It could be because I don't use a wand.

Wands are notoriously expensive to carry around.

They're not very portable either.

With that thought, I put the magic stone in my subspace pouch.

“I'll keep this for now, and when we get back to Baruk, I'll take care of it and split it with you.”

“I don't mind not getting paid. I already have more money than I need.”

“Ah, right.”

Come to think of it, Paladins were famous for receiving a lot of donations.

Thanks to that, they were able to train really high-level Paladins.

Hearts is probably here because of the Paladin trials.

Hunting monsters in places like Baruk or Koruntum is usually a test.

You have to live in that city for at least a year and hunt monsters.

I mostly got this information from forums, or from eavesdropping when I was living on the streets.

I wasn't sure if it was true, so I mostly cross-checked it when I was Silvia's disciple.

“Then… I guess I'll split it with Mr. Dondas.”

“Ah, then can I ask you a favor if I see you around?”

“Hmm? What kind of favor..?”

“It's not a big favor. I just want to ask you to make me some cold beer!”

Well, I guess for someone who receives as much sponsorship as a Paladin, cold beer is more important than money.

With that, we collected the monster's body and came out of the sewers.

We didn't forget to use Purification on the surroundings from time to time.

It wasn't something we had to do, but it was a kind of courtesy.

Since we made a lot of money by catching the monster.



I felt the connection break.

I guess the one in Baruk is dead.

It was a little disconcerting, but not too upsetting.

It took some materials, but not that many.

Anyway, I was curious.

There aren't that many strong adventurers in Baruk who could catch that monster.

“...I'll have to keep an eye on this, annoying…”

A gloomy-looking woman with black hair was working on a pile of monster carcasses.


“By the way, didn't the monster look a little strange? It's like someone made it on purpose.”

“Yes, I thought so too. It must be the work of a necromancer.”

“Aren't necromancers uncommon?”

Dondas was right.

Necromancers weren't that common.

Of course, necromancers were a public enemy, but that's why there were so few of them.

The necromancers that did exist were very secretive and gloomy.

“Why would they appear in Baruk of all places?”

“Baruk is a little out of the way, but it still has a decent population. It's a good place for necromancers. Lukphelton has tight security.”

“I guess so, but how can a necromancer live in Lukphelton?”

“Money talks. Of course, you'd have to hide your identity.”


Again, money makes the world go round.

To think a necromancer could live in Lukphelton if they had enough money.

Amazing, I guess.

How much money does a necromancer have to have to live in Lukphelton, a place everyone avoids?

Of course, he was hiding his identity, but it was still amazing.

As I was thinking about this, we arrived back at the Adventurers' Guild.

Fortunately, nothing happened on the way there.

“Oh, you're back?”

Esily, who had been dozing off again, woke up as we arrived.

She was such a consistent woman.

How could she fall asleep every day?

How come she doesn't get fired?

I had that thought too.

“Yes. We're here to show you the proof.”

I said, taking the monster's head out of my subspace pouch.

Hearts said it probably wouldn't be a very magical material, but I brought it along as evidence.

“Oh… this is the monster..! Then I'll give you the reward money.”

Esily said that and paid us the reward money right there.

20 gold per person.

It was a lot of money, but… maybe because we got the magic stone, it didn't seem like much.

It seemed like a reasonable amount.

So we received the reward money and parted ways.

We would have had a beer, but everyone seemed to want to take a shower.

I didn't feel it because I kept myself clean with Purification, but the others must have smelled like the sewers.

Thinking about it made me a little queasy.

To think that the smell of the sewers would linger on their clothes.

Just the thought of it made me want to puke.

With that thought, I took a picture of the magic stone.

And then I immediately uploaded it to the forum.

[Author: ReallyDirtPoor]

[Title: Found a magic stone on the road, is this expensive??]

[Content: (Photo) Found this magic stone on the road, is it any good? How much should I sell it for?]

After writing the post, a short while later.

Comments started pouring in.

People seemed to be showing a lot of interest.

I checked the post again, wondering what was so interesting.

[Author: ReallyDirtPoor]

[Title: Found a magic stone on the road, is this expensive??]

[Content: (Photo) Found this magic stone on the road, is it any good? How much should I sell it for?]

L: Don't be a troll

L: Wow, look at the size of that magic stone~!

L: Ugh, I want to strangle this bragging bastard

ㄴ: He might not be bragging, maybe he really doesn't know

ㄴ: Not knowing is also a fault ㅇㅇ

ㄴ: For real, does not knowing solve everything? Not knowing is also a problem, ah ㅋㅋ

L: "How much should I sell it for" he says, just throw it away, I wouldn't take it even if you gave it to me

ㄴ: Crazy bastard ㅋㅋ

Lperus: That's expensive, how did you get it? Amazing.

ㄴ: Oh, old man, please use periods

Judging from the reactions in the comments, it seemed to be quite valuable.

I was worried that Hearts might have been wrong, but I guess I was worried for nothing.

With that in mind, I went to the general store I knew to dispose of the monster byproducts.

[Amelia's General Store]

Actually, this was the only general store I knew.

I didn't know Baruk that well.

Thinking that, I carefully opened the door.

I also put up a barrier just in case.


The door opened with a creak, revealing the scene inside.


It was definitely very messy the last time I was here, but this time it seemed much more organized, as if it had been cleaned up.

It was even cozy.

That's why it was fascinating.

Amelia wasn't the type to clean up.

And then.

“Hmm? What brings you here..?”

I made eye contact with Amelia.

Her pink hair was as unique as ever.

What a strange hair color.

“Ah, do you also handle monster byproducts here?”

As I said that, Amelia's eyes changed.

“Of course…! Monster byproducts are so important..!”

“Then, by any chance… would you be interested in purchasing all of this?”

I said, taking the monster byproducts out of my subspace pouch and showing them to her.

Amelia's eyes sparkled as she examined the monster byproducts.

“These are very valuable materials..!”

“Oh, really?”

“Yes, yes…!!”

Amelia said, touching the monster byproducts, then as if remembering I was there, she pulled her hand away.

Then she looked at me and said.

“I'll buy these byproducts..!”

To be honest, I wanted to go to other places and check the market price, but Amelia had been dealing with Silvia for a long time.

So I couldn't help but trust her.That's why I wanted to trust her.

“Then I'll make sure to trade only at Amelia's General Store from now on.”

“Ah, yees…!”

Amelia's face lit up.

What was so great about monster byproducts?

They were just smelly carcasses.

With that thought, I sat down in a hastily prepared seat.

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