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Chapter 9 Part 1 - My Daughter is a Music Genius

Failure dad gets a second chance to raise music genius daughter. DBT,Korean,Novel,Translation,MDMG,Music,Genius,Daughter,Artist,Cute,Fluffy,Family

Squishy Squishy

He had to make the kimbap small enough to fit into her little mouth, but he made a mistake.

However, that mistake turned out to be a good thing for Sung-hyun.

Seeing Chaeyoon struggling to eat the kimbap, squishing it in her mouth, it was a really heartwarming sight.

She was so cute.

She was his daughter, but she was so cute that he didn't know what to do.



As Chaeyoon chewed on the kimbap, she stopped and looked up at Sung-hyun when he called her.

Even that sight was adorable, and Sung-hyun smiled.

"Is it delicious?"

As he asked, Chae-yoon nodded without hesitation. After swallowing the kimbap in her mouth, she opened her mouth.

"It's really delicious, Dad!"

"That's a relief. If it wasn't tasty, I would have had to call Grandma."

"Is it delicious for you too, Dad?"

"Yeah. It's really delicious. Maybe it's because I made it with Chae-yoon. It tastes even better."


Chaeyoon smiled happily.

Sung-hyun also took a bite of the kimbap and quickly checked his smartphone for any messages.

There were no special messages.

Tomorrow is Saturday.

Most people working in the entertainment industry can relate, but there's no such thing as day and night or weekends off.

Of course, there are days off in general, but... there weren't many days when they could truly rest.

Sung-hyun had some flexibility because he wasn't a road manager, but if he had been in that role, he probably would have quit his job on the day he returned.

Before leaving work today, Sung-hyun had declared to Jungwon Park that he would take the weekend off like a normal weekend, and Jungwon Park had waved his hand, saying that if Sung-hyun really wanted to, he could quit before the handover.

After returning, it was the first weekend they would spend together. Jo Sung-hyun had worked day and night, without weekends, in his past life. He hadn't been able to spend much time with Chae-yoon. But this life would be different.



When he called her, the child turned her head instead of putting the kimbap in her mouth.

"Eat, eat."

Jo Sung-hyun smiled and moved his hand, urging her to eat while holding the kimbap.

Then Chae-yoon started to stuff the kimbap into her mouth eagerly. Her eyes sparkled as she chewed the big kimbap. The child, who still had some baby fat on her cheeks, was sincerely cute. Jo Sung-hyun, who had been watching his daughter eat the kimbap for a while, finally opened his mouth.

"Shall we go out and play with Dad tomorrow? It's been a long time."

He said it, but he wasn't sure. He didn't know if it was really a long time or the first time.


Chae-yoon's eyes widened at the suggestion of going out. She opened her mouth as if she had heard something amazing.

"Play with Dad?"

Chae-yoon said something, but it wasn't clear because she had a mouthful of kimbap. Jo Sung-hyun smiled softly and stroked the child's head gently. The tangled hair was slowly untangled by his hand.

"Swallow the kimbap first."

At that, Chae-yoon quickly swallowed the kimbap and drank a sip of water in front of her.

"Can we go out? With Dad?"

"Yeah. Let's go out and play. Where do you want to go?"

Where should he go? He had thought about going out, but he didn't know where to go because he had never gone out with his daughter. He thought it would be best to ask, so he didn't hesitate to give Chae-yoon the choice.

"Umm... I don't know..."

Chae-yoon put down the kimbap and started to think hard. She didn't even eat the kimbap she was eating well, so she must have wanted to go out very much. It must have been a rare thing for Chae-yoon to go out and play with Jo Sung-hyun, so it was a natural reaction.

"Is there nowhere you want to go?"

Jo Sung-hyun asked softly with a smile. There might not be anywhere she wanted to go. Maybe she just liked playing at home with him. But when he asked, Chae-yoon shook her head.


"There are too many..."

She said there were too many places she wanted to go and made a sullen face. Even her sullen expression was cute, and Jo Sung-hyun barely held back his laughter and opened his mouth.

"We can go anywhere you want."


"Yeah. Let's go everywhere. We can go this week, and next week, and the week after that."


Chae-yoon's eyes sparkled. She looked like she was dreaming, her eyes shining but her face blank.


"Dad, I want to see fish, and rabbits, and... um... I want to go to the amusement park too!"

When he called her, the child quickly came to her senses and spoke fast. Jo Sung-hyun nodded as he watched the child waving her arms and talking.

We can go to the aquarium, the zoo, and the amusement park. It would be too much to go to all of them this weekend, so we'll take it slow.

'The important thing is to have fun with Chae-yoon, not to stamp out the places.'

Jo Sung-hyun thought to himself and opened his mouth to Chae-yoon, who was still talking about the places she wanted to go.



"Then, shall we go to the aquarium tomorrow and see the fish?"

"I like it, Dad!"

The child answered in an excited voice.

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  1. Man, this is so cute, it's great he is spending time with his daughter in this life!
