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Chapter 68 - Can We Become a Family?

Forced to be Empress, Navia craves acceptance, but faces betrayal. She pursues revenge and new life. DBT,Korean,Novel,Translations,CWBF,Shoujo,Fantasy

"Excuse me, you two!"

The maids had not realized Minerva was there and were taken aback when she suddenly called out to them, raising their eyebrows in surprise.

"What is it?"

Minerva swallowed hard.

"Well... you need to be shown to your quarters, right? I'll guide you."

Minerva did not have the courage to stand up to them.

However, she did not want to leave these people, who seemed to be rudely treating Navia, here either.

'The lady is strong. But she is still young.'

Children need to be protected by adults.

'I am an adult.'

Minerva tried to look stronger by putting strength in her eyes.

But her eyes were drooping, and her body was stiff, clearly showing her nervousness.

The maids scanned Minerva from head to toe and snickered.

"Well... alright."

Navia watched them for a moment and then said to Minerva.

"You don't have to do this, Minerva. Margaret will be here soon."

But Minerva shook her head with a determined look.

"I'll do it."

Her voice came out quite firm.

'Good. I can do this.'

Minerva got up briskly and courageously took the lead.

"Follow me."

The maids exchanged glances and chuckled again.

Navia watched the scene with an expressionless face.

'Should I just leave it be?'

To her, these maids seemed like the type to unhesitatingly do wrong to those who appeared weak.

It was alright if they committed such acts against her.

After all, ordinary harassment couldn't stir any significant emotion in her.

"I'll go have a look."

However, seeing the resolve in Minerva's eyes, Navia couldn't stop her.

Navia had to nod in agreement.

Yes, she's an adult, after all.


Minerva walked with a bit of stiffness due to her nervousness, but she was emitting an incredible courage that she had never shown before.

It was all influenced by Navia.

Navia seemed to have a knack for catching people's weaknesses, skillfully using them to negotiate in her favor.

She seemed sharper and more mature than one would believe for an eight-year-old.

Yet, even Navia, who seemed so smart and confident, looked infinitely small and vulnerable when she asked for help.

But paradoxically, it was in those moments that she seemed the strongest.

Showing vulnerability.

Seeking salvation from others.

That too was a form of courage.

Infected by that courage, Minerva led the difficult maids to their quarters.

"This is it."

The maids flung open the door and examined their quarters.

The place was overwhelmingly dark, and even the furniture inside seemed ominously black, which they found unsettling.

"Can't we use white sheets instead of black?"

"Ah... those sheets were originally white."

"They turned black on their own?"

The maids were aghast.

Black furniture and bedding as a result of the master's bizarre taste was one thing, but the idea of them turning black on their own was another.

"Most materials here turn black, except gold. But aside from turning black, they're... fine."

The maids shivered and grimaced.

"Ugh, I really hate this."


Startled by their reaction, Minerva's expression hardened. Sailen, particularly afraid of such things, tried to justify their fears.

"It's weird, right? What if it affects people too?"

Minerva knew this place seemed scary and ominous from the outside.

But to her, it was a precious haven.

A home where she, once ridiculed and abandoned, could feel safe and secure.

"Why do you say such things without checking the facts?"

Minerva was a bit angry.

Perhaps that's why she could confront them more fluently than usual.

"You're going to work here... Can you take responsibility if baseless rumors spread?"

The maids looked at Minerva coldly and impassively.

Minerva felt slightly suffocated.

Such expressions and gazes were familiar, yet frightening.

Then Benny smiled brightly.

"Right. We'll be careful!"

The tension suddenly eased.

'...They're not as unapproachable as I thought.'

Sigh... What a relief.

Minerva nodded, her face showing relief as her energy drained away.

"Yes. Then... rest, rest."

She bowed her head and turned to leave.



Something caught her foot painfully, and she fell backward.

Minerva crashed to the ground.


Falling unprotected onto the stone floor, her whole body felt as if it had shattered into pieces.

Her glasses, perched on her nose, skidded across the floor.


At the sound of laughter from above, Minerva stopped groaning.


Her glasses, lying beside her face, were crushed underfoot.

"Ah, that was a mistake."


Next, a foot stepped on her scattered hair.

"Oh dear, another mistake."


Minerva, with eyes wide open, froze, fixated on the foot.

<em>"Stupid Minerva! It's okay to bully her. She can't say anything."</em>

<em>"Freak. Oddball. Monster! Wow, she's really just taking it? …How about this?"</em>

<em>"Ughaha! Hey, hit her more."</em>

She couldn't breathe.

Cruel memories, long suppressed, relentlessly resurfaced.

<em>"So why be a teacher? Such a petty thing."</em>

<em>"Mine… what was it? Anyway, you know you have to keep your mouth shut, right? If we're in trouble, you'll be in trouble too. Please understand."</em>

<em>"Pfft, let's go."</em>

Minerva trembled on the floor, unable to move until the maids slammed the door shut.

She hadn't changed at all from her childhood.

'I just want to die.'



A calm voice called her.

Minerva lifted her head with trembling eyes.

Through her blurry vision, a small hand reached out to her.

A bruised hand appeared, and her gaze followed the arm up to the other person's face.

Navia crouched, silently extending her hand.

Minerva, unable to grasp it, buried her face on the floor.

She had wanted to help but ended up exposing her pathetic state.

'Pathetic. Why am I like this? Stupid and useless. I just want to die…'

"Sob…. Sob. Sniff…"

She bit her lip hard, trying to swallow her cries.

If the maids heard her weeping, they would relish tormenting her even more.

She was well accustomed to this pattern.

Then, a composed voice reached her ears.



"You must want to die."


"I've felt that way too."

Minerva covered her mouth.

She nearly burst into real screams this time.

"Let's go back to the room."

Navia's approach was not particularly affectionate.

She didn't try to comfort but simply waited, calm and pragmatic.

Minerva found solace in this dryness.

It felt like just an ordinary incident, something that could happen in life.

She was no freak or oddball but just ordinary.

Minerva wiped her tears and, though she stumbled, got up more composed than she expected.

"Let's go."


They walked hand in hand.

Both limped, step by step.

To Minerva, this scene didn't feel pitiful.

Was it the warmth from the held hand that seemed to say, "You fought well"?

When they returned to their room, Margaret was waiting inside.


She was startled to see Minerva disheveled, without glasses, and even limping.

Navia said,

"Minerva fell."

Minerva was grateful that Navia simply said she fell.

Margaret glanced back and forth between them, sensing more to the story but silently helped Minerva to a chair.

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