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Chapter 141 Part 1 - The Founder of Great Financial Family

I somehow ended up in world of a novel with magic and dragons. Why? I have no idea.. DBT,Korean,Translations,Novel,Fantasy,Reincarnation,Finance,FGFF

2/6 Bonus chapter thanks to @kim sung yong from Ko-fi!

The One Closest to God #2(4)

Rockefeller, who had finally come to his senses, stared at her intently and asked, "Were you really... a woman?"

Even though she had revealed her true identity beforehand, Rockefeller couldn't believe her words and couldn't be sure.

"Did I not look like a woman to you?"

"It's not that... I thought you were disguised as a woman. How could I know whether Riccardo is alive and pretending to be a woman? You've been deceiving me all this time."

Even though she had told the truth, he still couldn't believe it.

She had prepared herself for this conversation, but she couldn't hide the rising feeling of discomfort.

"I am a woman. And I feel quite uncomfortable. I never thought you would think of me like that."

"Ah... I see. I unintentionally offended you. I am truly sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable."

Her expression slightly twisted.

The second prince, who had been watching the situation, stepped in to help.

"Rockefeller must have misunderstood because Sylvia often disguises herself. Sylvia is indeed a woman."

"I misunderstood because you played the role of Riccardo so perfectly. I apologize once again if I made you feel uncomfortable."

Only then could Rockefeller realize that he had been mistaken all along.

'So she didn't come to me in her true form from the beginning. That's right... thinking about it, she started to appear in her true form only after she became confident about me.'


Rockefeller gestured as if connecting himself and her with his hand.

"Are we going to be like that?"

She replied in a calm tone.

"Yes, if you accept me as your wife. Ismail plans to allow you to control the empire's currency. There's no other way to trust you. And I believe Christian Orabuni here will agree."

As she looked at the second prince, he also showed a consenting expression.

It was to respect the choice she made for the sake of her family and herself.

"If that's Sylvia's wish... I have nothing more to say. I will give you control over the currency. However, you must take Sylvia with you, Rockefeller."

Sylvia comforted the somewhat sad-looking second prince.

"You don't have to be too heartbroken. I've observed Rockefeller for quite some time. He may not be perfect for me, but he's not a lacking person either."

"If that's your choice, I'll respect it."

Regardless of their conversation.

Rockefeller was not greatly dissatisfied.

'Fortunately, she's beautiful and the real owner of Ismail, so I won't be assassinated by some random person.'

He was certain of at least this.

Now that he would be her husband, whether he liked it or not, he would receive Ismail's protection.

'She wouldn't want to become a widow, would she? If she doesn't, she'll desperately protect me.'

"I didn't expect to be involved with you like this either."

Rockefeller stood up and looked straight at her.

At least at this moment, Rockefeller's eyes were filled with warmth.

"If this is truly God's will, I will gladly accept you as my wife."

* * *

Around the time when rumors spread that the guild leader of Lyon and his working secretary got married with everyone's blessing.

The expansion of Lyon Cathedral, which began under the support of the guild, was successfully completed.

Moreover, the empire had invited a painter called Andro, who was called a master, to draw a huge mural on the ceiling of the chapel. This work was completed as soon as the expansion of Lyon Cathedral was finished, and it was immediately open to the public.

Worshippers who finished their prayers admired the huge ceiling mural, which seemed to be drawn by the brush of God, and continuously exclaimed in admiration.

"I can't help but admire it. I never thought such a mural would exist in this world. Look at Saint John there. He looks so holy that I don't know what to say."

Hearing this, other worshippers who were looking at the same ceiling mural began to speak.

"About that ceiling mural. It seems that Master Andro painted it day and night."

"Andro... I've heard the name at least. He draws so well that even the nobles who have Goblin Dollars are impatient to have their portraits painted by him."

"I've heard that story too. But they say that even ordinary nobles can't afford to hire him because calling him is so expensive."

"The guild must be incredibly wealthy to have not only a portrait but a ceiling mural like this in the world."

"Really, they must have spent a fortune on that painting."

It was a ceiling mural that could be called a masterpiece.

However, not everyone was satisfied.

Some worshippers were dissatisfied with one figure that was drawn uncomfortably close to Saint John.

"Is that really the right position for the guild master in that painting?"

"I'm not happy about that either, but what can we do? That person who paid for the painting is the one in it."

"Who would've thought that the person the church hates the most, a usurer, would be drawn so close to Saint John? I wonder if Saint John knows this."

Moneylenders were despised by the church as those who would be forsaken by God and fall into hell.

But now, a moneylender was drawn in the closest place to God, overturning their common sense in an instant.

"It seems like these days, if you have a lot of money, you don't go to hell. Who would say usurers go to hell after seeing that painting?"

"I thought the same thing."

"Are the church and the usurers supposed to hate each other?"

"I don't know. It used to be that way, but now, isn't Bishop Verkis's favorite person the Lyon Guild Master? The church even expanded with their help, and they even painted the ceiling mural."

"Come to think of it, didn't the Lyon Guild pay for all the costs of the expansion here?"

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