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Chapter 125 Part 2 - The Founder of Great Financial Family

I somehow ended up in world of a novel with magic and dragons. Why? I have no idea.. DBT,Korean,Translations,Novel,Fantasy,Reincarnation,Finance,FGFF

"Knowing that lady was here, he would have made a scene even if it was enough. He's that kind of person."

The Chancellor looked at the secretary standing next to Rockefeller with a sultry gaze.

She was quite a beauty.

The young Rockefeller, who had her as his secretary, was enviable.

"Given the background of the Union representative, I understand completely."

Rockefeller always had a relaxed smile on his face, like any other aristocrat, and the Chancellor was able to engage in conversation more leisurely than before.

"To be honest, from my point of view."

The Chancellor began to speak again, continuing the conversation he had cut off earlier.

"I'd rather have someone like you, who knows some manners, take care of this area than that rude guy."

The Chancellor was not unaware of the rumors about the young guild master.

He had heard that the young man was not from the Lyon family but the eldest son of a commoner family, and that he was very skilled in business, gaining the trust of the guild members and being elected as the new guild master.

However, a few things bothered him: the young man's age and his commoner background.

'He's not as pleasant, but he's still much better than that rude guy.'

"What would those ignorant pirates know? If they don't like it, they just come and make a mess."

The unflappable Rockefeller agreed with him.

"You're right. In that sense, it would be best for you, Chancellor, to maintain a good relationship with us. We're not as rude as them."

The Chancellor looked at the smiling Rockefeller.

He was an unmistakable cunning snake, despite his young age.

Even though he looked like that, he was as dark as any other moneylender.

"Well, to be honest, I can't decide on this matter here. Especially when it comes to moneylending, I can't do anything."

Rockefeller roughly grasped what he was trying to say.

"I'm aware of the Ismail family situation."

"You really came here without any fear, knowing that."

The Chancellor then thought:

Is it because he's young and fearless?

Or is it because he doesn't know the ways of the world?

But that thought soon disappeared.

"The fact that we continue to do business here safely is already their permission."

The Chancellor narrowed his eyes for a moment and thought about the young Rockefeller.

'He's not a guild master at a young age for nothing, is he?'

The Chancellor, who had been silent for a moment, opened his mouth again.

"If the Ismails implicitly approve, then it will eventually be a battle between the existing moneylenders and you newcomers. Hmm..."

He narrowed his eyes and imagined the ensuing events.

"A fight between the Union and the Guild... It's something that was unthinkable in the past. I never thought that the moneylenders, who used to avoid each other, would fight for power here."

"The winner of that fight will be us."

The Chancellor questioned his confident words.

"Why are you so sure?"

"The reason? Isn't it right in front of me?"

As Rockefeller laughed and looked at him, the Chancellor tilted his head.

"Are you looking at me now?"

"Yes, Chancellor, you will be with us. Of course, we will win that fight."

The Chancellor tilted his head again.

"Why is that?"

"Isn't that obvious? The ruler of this place is you, Chancellor. If the Ismail family does not intervene, who will decide on this matter?"


It was true when he heard it.

If the Ismail family remained silent, the one who would decide on this matter was himself.

"Hehe... I never thought about that. The Ismail family was so deeply involved that I never dared to think about it."

At his words, Rockefeller smiled faintly.

"It's your business here, Chancellor. Who says anyone can interfere?"

"Well, that's true, but..."

The Chancellor, who knew well about the influence of the Ismail family, hesitated to speak.

'If you don't want to die quietly like a rat or bird, it's best to be careful with your mouth regarding them.'

"Ahem! So why do I have to join hands with the Guild? Regardless of the goodness or badness of each faction's leader, what real benefits do I get? That's what I'm asking."

Despite the blunt question, Rockefeller was still smiling.

"Ah, of course, there are benefits. If you join us, Chancellor, you will be able to get loans at better conditions."


Rockefeller moved to the window.

Then, pointing to the scenery outside the window, he continued speaking.

"Even now, there are many variables on that sea that you, Chancellor, cannot predict. In the past, the problem was the Dragoon pirate group, but now there are undead pirates made up of only undead, which remain a huge headache."

The reason why the Chancellor of Black Label continued to increase the number of navy warships even though the Dragoon pirate group had become quiet was because a more powerful force was dominating the sea.

"To have a full-scale war with them, I heard that the naval force is still lacking. Then, more navy ships need to be built, but where does the money come from?"

"So you're saying we should get a loan?"

"Of course. We're not digging the ground to do business. Instead, we can give you much better preferential treatment than the Union."

"How much interest are you going to cut to say that?"

"We'll only take 3 percent."

At the mention of 3 percent, the Chancellor's eyes widened.

"Did you say 3 percent just now? Wasn't it originally 6 percent?"

The Chancellor had also tried to negotiate with the Union representative to increase the number of naval warships.

However, the problem was the high interest on the loan.

The Union representative, who had been living on piracy, knew very well that the Chancellor was a very solid debtor and did not give up his thug-like nature, trying to get more interest than the original 6 percent loan interest.

Since the Chancellor would never default on his debt, he was determined to charge a higher interest rate.

"Yes, but you must give the monopoly on moneylending in Black Label to our Lyon Guild only."

Rockefeller's proposal of a low loan interest was very attractive, but the subsequent condition was quite annoying.

"Are you saying you want a monopoly?"

"Yes, we're asking for our Lyon Guild to have exclusive rights to do business here in Black Label. In return, we can lend Chancellor Your Excellency the amount you desire at a low-interest rate of 3 percent."

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